Chapter 20

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After the beat boys' beat down and after Karma-Kun and Itona-Kun skipped we were all talking about our names.

"Oh, so 'Itona' is written with the characters for 'becoming thread'?" We all said as we looked at Itona-Kun's name.

"One of those flashy names!"


"It's a good name! Sounds cool."

"There are plenty of people with weird names in this class." Itona-Kun said.

"What? 'Justice'?! I totally thought it was 'Masaoyshi!" 

"Everyone's generous enough to read it that way, yeah. And I asked Koro-Sensei to call me that, too." Masayoshi-Kun said as he looked down at his desk.

"Sure made us nervous, hearing your name at the entrance ceremony!"

"Yeah, I guess!"

"I hate the thought of another public execution come graduation. And being my parents, thet'd just smack me if I complained about it. They didn't think about how much a kid could get teased in school." He said.

"That's parents for you. Me, with this face--I'm Kirara. Kirara! Do I look like a Kirara to you?" Hazama-Chan asked with a creepy look on her face.

"N-No..." We all said with a sweat drop.

"My mom lives in her own littler fantasy world, but if something happens that she doesn't like, she goes into screaming hysterics. That's the kind of stress-filled house I grew up in. No way was I going to go grow into my adorable little name." Hazama-Chan said leaving us slightly disturbed.

"You've sure got it rough, saddled with such weird names." Karma-Kun said as he walked up ad took my hand. I managed to hold in my laughter from everyone's shocked looks.

"Oh, me? I actually rather like my name. Guess some kids inherit their folks' strange tastes." Karma-Kun said.

"My name's not even Japanese." I said sitting down on a desk making everyone look at me in shock.

"My name is Finnish for 'Time'. My parents where in Finland when they found out they were going to have a child. Ironically my name means 'Time' but when they have the time to come home we don't have decent conversations without them looking at their phones." I said somewhat sadly. Karma-Kun kissed my forehead making me feel a little bit better.

"I'm not satisfied with how I was named, either." Koro-sensei said.

"Huh? I thought you liked 'Koro-Sensei.' Kayano-Chan named you that." Sugino-Kun said.

"I do like it. That's why I'm not satisfied. There are still two people who won't call me by that name." Koro-sensei said and Bitch-sensei and Karasuma-sensei both reacted some.

"Karasuma-sensei just says 'Hey' or 'You there.' We're not some middle-aged married couple!" Koro-sensei said and I just looked at him with a sweat drop.

"But it's embarrassing for a full-grown adult to be like, 'Koro-sensei!'" Bitch-sensei said and I giggled some.

"Then why don't we call each other by code names instead?"

Code names?"

"Yeah--we make new names for everyone. Like the assassins we met on the island: they called each other by code names to hide their real ones. Don't you think it seems kinda assassin-y?"

"I see. Good idea! Here's what we'll do: write down your suggestions. We'll call each other by the names I pull out of this box."

"Sounds fun, but do we have to think up names for everyone?"

"I'm just writing down whatever comes to mind."

"All right...using real names is forbidden all day today!" Koro-sensei said.

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