9. Quigley Quagmire is lying about something.

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I, and many other people believe that there is something fishy about Quigley Quagmire, so I have managed to scrape together the points which I find he acts most suspicious and have added quotes:

"How do you know all this?" Violet asked. The scout looked at her for a moment, and it seemed to the Baudelaires that he was smiling behind his mask. "I read it," he said, "in a book called Remarkable Phenomena of the Mortmain Mountains." Page 93 of TSS

"See, if we go to the left, there's a small area used for sled and snowsuit storage, at least according to a newspaper article I found." Page 141 of TSS, Quigley talking about the hallways atop the Vertical Flame Diversion. What article? He said he found it out in a secret chapter in a book.

"Another volunteer told me that it's the central theme of Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet." Page 145 of TSS
What other volunteer?

"Too bad that telegram never arrived." Page 147 of TSS. How did Quigley know about the telegram if it never arrived? And it DID arrive, yet Mr. Poe simply ignored it because of something he was sent.

"I read that there was a large window," he said, moving his gloved hand in the air as if it were still there. "When it was your turn to cook, you could look out at the waterfall while you where chopping vegetables or simmering sauce. It was supposed to be very peaceful. And there was a mechanism just outside the window that turned some of the water from the pool into steam. The steam rose up and covered the headquarters, so it couldn't be seen through a blanket of mist." Page 152 of TSS. How does Quigley know so much about the headquarters? It almost sounds as if he is remembering some time spent there, rather than what he read in book.

"Do you think," Violet said, "any of the volunteers..."
"There's no sign that anyone was here," the scout said quickly."
Page 154 of TSS....seems kind of suspicious...

"That's Uncle Monty's house! He was our guardian until Count Olaf arrived, disguised as-"
"As a lab assistant," Quigley finished. "I know. His suitcase was still there."
Page161 of TSS but how did Quigley know that the suitcase belonged to Count Olaf, and that he was disguised as a lab assistant?

"He (Jacques) showed me a picture of all three of you, waiting at the dock on some lake, and asked me if I'd seen you anywhere. He knew that you'd been placed in Count Olaf's care, and all the terrible things that had happened there. He knew that you had gone to live with Dr. Montgomery. He even knew about some of the inventions you made, Violet, and the research you did, Klaus and some of Sunny's tooth-related exploits. He wanted to find you before it was too late." Page 169 of TSS.
If all Quigley has seen of the Baudelaires is a photo, how did he recognize them through the fencing mask in the cave with the Snow Scouts?

"...and Count Olaf was disguised as-"
"As a receptionist," Quigley finished. "I know. His fake nameplate was still on the desk." Page 173 of TSS. Again, how could Quigley know that it was Olaf by simply looking at a nameplate?

I find it strange that Quigley managed to find his way all the way to Paltryville, and then to the Snow Scouts, all without any adult assistance or money. If it was that easy, how come the Baudelaires didn't do it too?

It is also highly suspicious that after Quigley was drifting down the stricken stream at the end of TSS he managed to find a telegram machine and knew where the Baudelaires where in his telegram in TGG (which can be read on page 260). Also, in his telegram he says "we" instead of "I" meaning he has met someone else who has joined up with him. He then arranged to have Kit Snicket pick up the Baudelaires, which is VERY suspicious indeed. How does he know Kit? How did he get into contact with her? How did he discover the whereabouts of the Baudelaires?

Also, Quigley uses the tunnel underneath his house to go to Monty's just after the fire, and it is already empty, so the fire is after TRR. But in TAA, Isadora and Duncan claim to have been at Prufrock Preparatory ever since the fire, and they have spent two semesters in the orphan shack, and an unspecified amount of time after that in the normal school. The time between TRR and TAA cannot be more than a month at the most, which means that either Isadora and Duncan are lying, or Quigley is. Due to the arguments listed above, I believe that Quigley is the liar. There is something VERY fishy about him, and I find it despicable how he says:
"I know it must be hard to trust me, Baudelaires, "said the sweatered scout, "after so many people have done you wrong."
I hope Quigley has a VERY good reason for his lies.

Another theory by PJ productions.  

10 "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" Fan Theories That Are PossibleWhere stories live. Discover now