A Little Bit About Me

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Hello, I am Nutmeg!

If you must refer to me by another name, call me Meg or Nutty Megan. You can also call me Chatty, the full nickname being Chatty Kathy, or Megatron.

Wow, I have a lot of nicknames!

Anyway, onto the matter at hand. If you read the title of this story, you should know I want to become a mythical.

Before I reveal what kind of mythical I want to become (in the next chapter), I'll tell you some stuff about me.


1) At times I can be the wise old sage, being like, "Treat your enemies like you would a friend, and they should respect you in return...blah blah, etc."

2) At other times, I am the little kid, being all curious and fun and rambunctious. Example: my friend, H (to make it simple), was texting my other friend, L. I asked what they were testing about, because L said, "Tell my sweetheart that daddy loves her" H told me, "L says she's the dad, I'm the mom, and you're the child."

3) I love unicorns, the color pink, dragons (if they are nice!), writing stories, my pet rabbit Veggie, drinking tea, reading, trying to bake/eating sweets, and playing Costume Quest. (Please tell me someone knows that game!)

4) My friend, Hadley, not the "H" from before, says I have a cute laugh and look good with Sailor Moon hair. (My hair is long enough to do a shorter version of Sailor Moon's hairstyle.)

5) I try to be funny sometimes, but I fail and make myself look stupid. Then I end up laughing at my stupidity.

6) When I give advice to friends, it is usually good advice. However, whenever I have a problem, I have no idea what to do. Someone told me once, "You're great at giving advice, but you are blind to your own wisdom." Or something like that.

7) I love trying to envision characters in my head, but when I try to draw them, I get mad because they don't look as good as they do in my brain. But I'm getting better.

8) My sister, I call her "Sissy-chan," is Autistic and loves talking to her stuffed animals, even though she's in high school. Sissy-chan also loves to make things out of clay and do art in general. Sissy-chan mostly ignores me, because she doesn't understand that I want to spend time with her, even if that entails talking to stuffed animals (which annoys me a lot ).

9) I have a terrible memory, which is so sad. Case in point: one time I had to do a test where someone would tell me numbers, and I had to repeat them in reverse order. It sucked! I also get my friends names confused.

10) I dream of being an author when I grow up. I just need to find someone to draw illustrations for my books. And a publishing company, too.


I am going to use the shifting method to become a mythical. I might need some help with that.

Can anyone guess the kind of mythical I want to become?

Glitter Peace! (That's my special phrase for "bye." I literally have no idea why I started saying that!)

Nutmeg ♡

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