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This story is short probably below 20 chapters or 30 depends where things take me but either way I hope you enjoy💕

We didn't know which way to turn at the end of the hallway but as soon as we turned right there stood Milo and
"Ella" Ethan and I said at the same time
"Hello little sissy" she said a devilish smile plastered on her face
"Hello Ella" I said not wanting to show her I was scared as fuck
"Where are you going??" She said pushing me against the wall
"I see you've met my boyfriend" she said eyeing down Ethan like her prey
"But sadly I've heard stuff about you that made me mad" her devilish smile immediately went to one of the most deadliest glares in the world
"You pretended to be me, you went around making decisions for me that made me look stupid" she said gripping onto my throat not letting me breathe,
Ethan tried to stop her but security ran over to him pushing him back
"You killed our mother!!!!!" She said lifting me up and then throwing me on the floor
"Did you know that she was found dead at her house because of you!!!" She said kicking my ribs as I tried to catch my breath
"And I'll make sure your dead" she said walking off with Milo as I was picked up by security and taken to a different room as Ethan's.

Ella looked mean and cruel, I wonder who hurt her that much. I know she wasn't born like that or was she??
She did try to kill me when I was 3!!!
Now she's really going to kill me....
I was told to write a note... a goodbye note to my family which Ella perfectly knows I don't have.
They gave me a pen and paper and I decided to write something down
My life sucked ass, I wished I lived the life of a normal teenager but is there really a such thing of a normal teenager?? To whoever reads this, if you knew me I'm sorry you were bothered by my presence and if you didn't well you were lucky. I don't know how I'm going to die but it's probably going to be torturous. If you're reading this I hope your life has much more blessings unless your Ella and if it is Ella or Milo go fuck your self.

I folded the letter into a burger style and left it on the floor.
I don't know if I'm going to die but if I do I want to die quick not slow.
I want to die looking at Ella to make sure she sees my life flash by in front of her own eyes, I want to scar her so I can come back as a spirit to make it worse.
But I am scared I don't know what's going to happen.
Is Ethan even going to die or just me??
Ella still probably likes Ethan so she's going to keep him for her self which I don't mind....
But I hope Grayson is able to at least save Ethan because he has a family that actually loves him and are probably freaking out while I have no one.
I was picked up by a security guy and was dragged to a room really not knowing what was going to happen.
When I got in the room they placed me on a chair and tied me up like always. After that they put me face to face with Ethan
"You're not going to die" he said once the security left and looked at me but I didn't look back at him
How could he still love my sister after all she's done to him
"Look at me Rosie" he said his voice getting deeper
I glared at him and snapped
"What the hell do you want?!?"
"Don't fucking give me attitude because I can easily leave you behind!" He said
"Then why don't you leave!!" I didn't mean to say that but I was mad I wanted to scream and yell or throw a tantrum. He didn't say anything, he staid quite and it seemed like he was about to say something but it was to late.

Milo walked in.

"Ella will be here soon so you two just enjoy your last minutes of life" he said laughing
"Fuck off you hyena" I said getting a glare from Milo and a chuckle Ethan
"Oh so you think it's funny??" He said reaching into his pocket pulling out a taser
"You think it's funny huh??" He said turning it on and placed it on my arm, sending my whole body into shock
"Is it still funny??" he said letting go leaving me weak
"Stop wasting your energy on them leave it to me" Ella said coming into the room with a gun and duck tape
"So we are going to play a little game, you two will have duck tape around your mouth because you both have a smart mouth" she said placing the tape over Ethan's mouth and then mine
"Perfect, now I'm going to ask you questions you will either nod for yes or shake your head for no" she said explaining the rules and clapped
"Alright let's get started first question did you meet Harry during the time you tried to be me??" She asked looking straight at my eyes and I nodded my head
"Ethan were you the one who killed Kevin??" She asked, Ethan didn't nod or do anything, he just looked at me and looked straight into my eyes, so Milo placed the taser on his shoulder until Ella told him to stop
"Ethan were you the one who killed Kevin??" She asked again but more violent, Ethan shook his head admitting it but kept his stare on me
"I knew it!!!" Milo said preparing his gun to use it on Ethan
"Hold on not yet" Ella said holding her hand up signaling him to step away from Ethan
"Ella do you like Ethan as more than a friend??" I knew she was going to say something about Ethan but I shook my head not making eye contact with her
"You sure??" She said walking over to him and placed small kisses around his face
"It doesn't bother you that I'm all up on him??" She said straddling him and took of his duck tape to smash her lips into his
"Mm Ethan..." she said as I rolled my eyes
It bothered me because I felt like that was me on him since I'm not used to having a twin.
She had to throw her head back so she could make eye contact with me and she smirked
"Now tell me why Jack broke up with you" she said getting off him and walked over to me taking the tape off my mouth
"Is it because you and Ethan have something going on??" She said messing with me
"Is it because Ethan decided to kiss you thinking it was me??" And for some reason I spit on her face because first of all she was way to close and second of all she deserves it
"You bitch!!" She said slapping my face, wiping her face after and then preparing her gun
"The game is over bitch!!" she said putting it against my head and after that a gun shot was heard around the whole building.

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