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I was tired, it was two in the morning and Brandon was just pulling up next to me in his 1979 Jeep. I had to admit, I was jealous of him.

As i saw Brandon from his dark tinted window I realize that this was our thing, me sneaking out of the house driving my loud old rusty Toyota truck all the way to meet him, risking getting caught, and having to stay up this late even tho I hate it . Wow, i do really go out of my way for this guy. And I don't even know if its worth it, but i keep on doing it.

Lately we have been seen each other a lot. Specially sense my dad caught us having sex. And with me been out of house meeting him was just really easy. Those passed days where amazing thought. I really felt hat Brandon and I connected in some way. I got to know so much about him. To be honest at first I thought that he was been clingy, we where hanging out 24/7, it was a little too much. However, when he wasn't around everything just felt off, nothing seem right. But now we are back to our usual selves, he stopped asking me out during the day. An we are back to secretly-night- hook -ups.

"hey, what's up" he says as soon as i unlock the door of my truck and he got in.

"Nothing, you got here faster that i thought" i said with my shaky nervous voice. i wasn't sure why I was so nervous to be honest, but I could sense some dryness in Brandon's voice. This was about to turn awkward.

"yeah, guess I got here pretty fast." he does this quick shake-turn to the left to some what fix his bangs. "here, Powered right? and they also gave me a shit ton of food, i'm telling you Karen they love me there." he lets out one of those fake laughs that i always tease him about. It's pretty cute, but i cant help to think if this is all fake too. I look at him with a warm smile as i take the cup from his and and the McDonald's bags too.

"wow it is a lot of food" I dig for the nuggets box first.

"yeah, there was more but i ate it"

"it's fine. thanks Brandon" i smile at him again. I honestly wasn't hungry but i didn't wanted to be rude so I made myself eat all of it. The whole time we talk about these pass few day that we haven't seen each other and what we where up two. We had park in front of Whataburger which was so ironic because I was having McDonald, it was funny. There was a cop looking at us the whole time, which made things uncomfortable. So i suggested to go to this place that I new of.

The place was a this storage- garage house and it is a huge one, inside there are raps and some rails. it was a private skate spot. It was a place to chill, drink, smoke and skate. Sometimes they had shows but the music wasn't really my taste, it was too... heavy. I wonder if Brandon would like it thought; he does like heavy music. I do too but the shows where too much for me.

"well here it is this is the skate-house" I say as soon as we pull over and Brandon walks my way.

"oh no way! this is it? i always thought it was far to the east!" he was so surprise. But I guess he wouldn't know. he is a Biker after all. "I can't believe it was so close"

"I can't believe you didn't know" I laugh.

"well no, I BMX not skate... damn there's even blood on the floor!" he looked surprised.

"well yeah, i guess it gets pretty wild sometime" i follow up.

"eww fuck, and what is that puke? Karen i can't believe you come here"

"i don't anymore, i also haven't been skating lately"

"mmm, sure you only skated to see some dudes"

"whatever" i said and rolled my eyes at him.

I hated his little half ass jealous comments about guys I knew. I honestly can tell if he really is jealous or not. As soon as I turn my back he grabs me by the waste and his hands are wrap around my boobs as he slowly plays with my piercings, knowing that I'm really sensible, he squeezes them. i let out a scream of pain and satisfaction. he laughs " I love that, it's my favorite thing to do" he smiles at me. I look down in embarrassment. He laughs more " why are you so fun to play with, Karen?" he smiles and led go of me.

I put down the tailgate of my truck and get a blanket out.

"wow you come prepared, I'm impress" Brandon wipers in my hear.

"Of course it is always convenient" I quickly reply out loud trying to ignore the fact that I get turn on just by hearing his voice so close to me. I still don't understand how this boy can make me feel out-off my mind and spin me over back and forward. Here I'm worry about his dry texts and he's just so different in person. It bothers me so much. But who I'm trying to fool, I will never really understand what Brandon is thinking about.

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