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        "My girlfriend is coming today." Bruce stated, texting her on his phone. "Ok then." Jimmy said, sitting up straight. "Not now dummy! In a few hours!" Bruce said, elbowing him. He slouched back down and exhaled. "Don't do any funny business." Bruce said, clenching his teeth.

      "What exactly is your definition of 'funny business'?" Jimmy asked, wide eyed. "Oh I don't know... Maybe gIVING HER FOOD POISONING AND ALMOST KILLING HER???" Bruce asked, sarcastically. "Is she dead now?" Jimmy rolled his eyes and asked, about done with him bringing this up. "Well... No... Thank gosh..." Bruce said, fidgeting with his fingers.

        "Well there you go. And why are you fidgeting?" Jimmy asked. "Because I want to see my girlfriend, idiot!" Bruce snapped. "Ok then," Jimmy said. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked. "Oh no no! I'm cooking dinner." Bruce said, getting up and going into the kitchen.

       "Come on. It was one time." Jimmy said. "One time that I won't let happen again." Bruce stated, getting out food from the fridge. "Well then. What do YOU plan on cooking?" Jimmy asked. "Steak. And French fries." He replied, cutting up potatoes and preheating the oven.

     "What am I going do to keep myself from boredom?" Jimmy asked. "Alright. Go to your room." Bruce stated, pointing to Jimmy's bedroom door. "What am I supposed to do in my room?!" Jimmy asked. "You can do lots of things of things in your room." Bruce said, mixing up a batter for the fries. "What kind of stuff can I do in my room?" Jimmy asked, being a perv.

    "I'm not listing the stuff you can do in your room." Bruce said. Jimmy nodded. "But take a shower! You smell like garbage, and flies are starting to surround you." Bruce said, as Jimmy shooed some flies away. "Where are my clothes?" Jimmy asked. Bruce snarled. "In the laundry room!" He said, with clenched teeth. "Ok then." Jimmy said, going to finally take a shower.

    Bruce set a note on the table telling him that he was going to sit on the bench by the bus stop.

                                After Jimmy's shower...

    "I'm not interested, thank you." Bruce said, scooting away from a woman, who is obviously drunk. "Bbbuttt yourrrrr sooooooo prettttttifulllll..." The intoxicated woman said, her words obviously slurred. "N-no thank you." Bruce said, scooting so close to the edge of the bench he could fall off any moment. The intoxicated woman was now petting his 'prettiful' hair.

                                     ~ Jimmy's POV ~

     I could see Bruce getting hit on by some drunken lady. Desperate times call for desperate measures. This will be great use for that nice blonde wig I bought last month.

                                     Back to the narrator shall we...

     Bruce was now sitting the grass because he had fell off the edge of the bench. The intoxicated woman was still trying to win him over. "Come oooooonnn..." She slurred, trying to reach for him. "Bruce-y boooo!" Someone called. "Huh?" Bruce said, dumbfounded. He looked up to the one and only, Jimmy. Except, he was wearing:

* A Blonde Wig

* A Sparkly Red Dress

* Bright Red High Heels

* Bright Red Lipstick

* A Whole Face of Makeup

    I think you get the picture.

     "What in the-" Bruce was cut off by Jimmy trying to get the intoxicated woman away. "GET AWAY FROM MY MAN!" Jimmy shouted at the woman, slightly slapping her with his handbag. She soon stumbled away and Jimmy flopped on the bench.

      He also pulled Bruce back up on the bench. "I have a question." Bruce stated, watching for buses. "Yes?" Jimmy questioned. "Why exactly are you dressed like somebody going to the red carpet?" Bruce asked. "Well its simple, Bruce. If I pretend to be your girlfriend, it'll get that lady away from me and you. She probably thought-" Jimmy was cut off. "Bruce?" A voice called. "Wha?" Bruce said, then jumping out of the bench. It was Maddie, his girlfriend.

     They hugged and exchanged a passionate kiss. "So who's this with you?" She asked. "Oh. Take off the wig, dummy." Bruce said. Jimmy took off the wig and Maddie sighed. "Hey Bruce?" "Yeah?" "I think we left the steak in the oven."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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