My Story (as told in emojis)

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Ok I have made up a thing I want to start on Wattpad where I tell my story as told in emojis (and words to help explain) her we go!!

My name is NaKeisha That's hard for most to say so they call me Keke
💁🏽👈🏽 Keke

I live in the USA on a farm in the country

I was born October 26,

3 days after I was born my bio father left he wanted nothing to do with me I don't know anything about him just that I get my curly hair from him and I'm half black bc of him.

I don't really know what me and my mom did in-between then but sometime about the time I was 3 my mom found another guy they got married and the guy had two kids, A girl and boy, they were the sweetest people ever and the treated me well

But Later on that relationship also failed but I'm still in touch with Them, me and my mom lived with my nana for awhile till My dad now came alone and they got together and stayed together he is my father today

Later in that relationship when I was living in town I found out my step sister had died that was probably one of the worst things that's ever happened to me

We moved on though my step brother I still see him once in awhile and my mom had then just graduated nursing school!

We had been living in a trailer while my mom was in nursing school and while she was in nursing school I Had regular school and it wasn't going the best for me I was bullied for not being like other girls and hanging out with boys only because boys liked me better then most girl bc I liked things boys like I wasn't into girly stuff

And that's when I turned to gaming I met so many friends that didn't know who I was and I could be anyone I wanted I liked gaming with my friends that were guys and even found girls that liked gaming just as much as me

I started getting more advanced in gaming and started to go pro well going pro I met a guy of course into gaming and I had my first crush He was the best and were together now and me and him started entering tournaments as Green~Gamer and ThatGamerNamedKota

And that's how I became who I am I get along a lot better then I did and it's truly has been fun being a gamer I couldn't ask for anything better
👸🏽 :3

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