Chapter One

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When I had first woke up this morning, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. At first I had just brushed it off as if it were nothing. By the end of the day I soon realized that it meant something very bad.

As I started to walk into the hellhole people call school, the bad feeling had grown stronger. It makes me feel as though I should put the school in my rearview mirror. Know how my mother would react, I quickly shot the idea right out of the sky.

I finally gathered the courage to walk through the double doors and just kept on walking. I had no idea where I was going. I am so lost in my thoughts to even care at the moment. All I can think of is what this feeling could be telling me. I hear a few voices from reality but that's it. I hear things about a new girl in school, some usual gossip about the school slut, and the football game coming up this weekend. I am finally brought back to reality by the minute bell going off. I immediately run to my locker and run to my first class.

So far so good is how my day has been. Although the day has been good so far I still have that very bad feeling. I am now on my way to lunch. I then decide that I feel like being alone, so I quickly text my friends that I'm not coming to lunch to which they reply with an 'okay'.

As soon as I am outside I am hit with the warm sun. I instantly start towards the oak tree that was planted a few years back. Before I know it. I was fast asleep.

At first it was dark as usual, the she comes into view.

All I can remember of her is that after she fell into the wrong crowd, she became very different. She got involved with drugs and alcohol. She then took it another step farther and joined the 'Scorps', the strongest gang in America.

I see the girl bathed in darkness. The one that had turned on me and bullied me. She used to stick up for me. Anymore I just felt so alone, my once best friend. She then starts to walk towards me...

And that is when I jolt awake as usual.

I then notice that I still have twenty minutes before lunch is over. I take this time to think as to why I had this dream. I hadn't had it in months. It was from old memories.

After my mother had found out about what was going on in out old town, she had decided to pack up and leave to keep me safe. I knew she knew more than she was letting on but I didn't question her and still hadn't.

I am instantly brought out of my thoughts when the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I then head to my next boring class. I usually arrive before everyone, but I think today someone had lit a match under everyone's asses because I was the last one in. I felt everyone's eyes on me as i went to my seat.

Soon after class had started, the attention had died down, but I could still feel a pair of eyes piercing into my skull. I make the biggest mistake and turn around to look.

What I see is the most sexiest beast to ever walk the earth. I turn back around instantly. After that all I can think about is him. I didnt even know who he is. He has short medium brown hair, fair skin,sharp ass jawline and beautify bright green eyes. But then I remember the look on his face. He looked as though he wanted to kill me.

Scared out of my mind, I ignore my thoughts and him and try to focus on the lesson. After class was over I quickly gathered my things and bolted out of the classroom and straight to the library.

It is now free period and I go to my usual seat in the library and listen to my music. My mind wonders of all the things that have happened today. I had the bad feeling in my stomach, had my old nightmare, and saw a Greek God who seems to hate my guts. I then thought that maybe the bad feeling I have been having was because of him but then I thought sat to why I had the dream.

I then decide to put a pin in all that and decide to use my free period to my advantage and work on homework. Before I know it, I am off to my locker to get my things for English.

As I am walking towards the classroom, the feeling deep in my gut worsens. When I got to the door, hesitant at first, I finally convinced myself to get the fuck in there. When I walked in I had expected for Mr. Green to be fast asleep with the assignment one the board, but I did not expect to see a group of guys standing around this one desk. The girls were to engrossed in their phones to care.

At first I couldn't give two shits as to why they had circled around this one person but then it clicked; it must bet the new girl.

What irritated me the most was that they wouldn't shut the fuck up. I couldn't hear the girls voice, only the guys.

It is now a couple of minutes until school is let out and I take a glance at this new chick. At first I was like 'eh', but then I had to do a double take to make sure that my eye weren't failing me.

I was scared shitless. I involuntary let out a quiet "Shit".

I guess that she had heard me and looked straight at me. It was then that the tears started to build in my eyes. Before they could even fall, I dashed out of the classroom and, gone to my locker and raced to my car.

All that was running through my mind was the new girl. My old best friend. Alice Shields.

Hope you liked it!!

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