Chapter Three

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The sun was setting by the time I had arrived home. Since mom usually didn't get home until after dark, I had decided to shower and then chill on the couch to wait. I had come to notice that Tommy was not home. He was probably staying the night at on of his friends' house as usual. He very rarely stays here anymore even though this is where he lives.

I tried to control my crazy thoughts and thought about how my mom would react to my news. I was mainly hoping she wouldn't freak out like I had.

Maybe a half hour later I heard her car pull into the drive. To say I was scared was an understatement, but she had to know about Alice.

I then hear the front door open and close.

"Hey honey, how was school" my mom says. "Your brother won't be home tonight, he is at his friend's".

I meekly replied, "Hey mom".

I knew she could hear the uneasiness in my voice, when she saw me her eyes held nothing but worry.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

I asked her, "Please come and sit down".

My mom had set everything on the coffee table and sat on the love seat adjacent to the couch I am currently on.

"Okay I and seated, now will you tell me what is wrong?"

I started to fidget with my fingers. Mom seeing this asked, "Honey, what's going on?".

I knew right there I had to tell her. I'm so scared to see how she reacts. I don't want to have to move again, but if it comes to that decision I would considering the situation that we have on our hands.

I guess I have been for some time because my mother speaks up, getting my attention.


I breathe in to try and calm myself down to get the dreaded word out.

"Alice is here."

Frozen, my mother sits there frozen.


"Umm...are you sure it was Alice?"

"Yes mom she looked right at me."

"Did she get a good look at you? Did it look like she notice you?"

When my family had first moved here, my mom had me change my appearance, again I did not ask why, but never the less did as she has said. I had trusted everything she had intended to do. I still trust her. She protected me like a true parent should and wouldn't let me get hurt anymore.

Confused out of my mind, my mom had already found a house far away from here.

After an entire week of packing, my mom, brother and I had everything on its way to our new home. Our new home resided in a very small town of Alford Florida, with a population of almost 500 people.

After a long and tiring trip, we had finally arrived at our home. It was nothing too extravagant but still beautiful.

(I am not very good at descriptions, Sorry)

I walked into my new home awestruck at how spacious and beautiful it was. Before we decided to help the movers bring everything inside, we decided to explore. Choosing bedrooms, bathrooms and genuinely looking at everything. After a little, we all start to help with moving stuff inside.

Long tiring hours later,we had finished bringing everything inside and put into certain rooms. Soon after we set up each of our beds so we could get some sleep.

I remember that that night was the first time I ever had that horrific dream.

I also remember how mom had woken me up early the next morning to 'change my look' as she had put it. Not asking any questions, I got up and got ready as best as I could with boxes everywhere. I just did everything that she had said and only helped out with details when asked for my opinion.

My mom and I had gotten my hair dyed from my natural blonde hair to a beautiful dark brown. My mom didnt really alter my look too much except for my hair and eyes. It was actually my idea to wear color contacts. I went from blue eyed to green.

Leaving my thoughts the past and thought of the present, I then realized that she didn't look as though she had noticed me.

"I don't think so...but then again, I stormed out before she she might have gotten a real good look."

"Okay, okay. Maybe she didn't recognize really don't look like the old you with your brown hair and color contacts."

"Mom what happens if she still did recognize me?"

"I don't know at the moment sweetheart. I'll figure everything out soon, just go to to bed and hope for the best. You still need to go to school tomorrow."

Utterly confused as to why she would say that, I tried to respond but she held up a hand silencing me. That hand meant to just listen to whatever she had to say.

"There are alot of things that you do not know about your life. I know that you may hate me for keeping these things from you, but it is truly for the best. You will find out when the time is right."

At first I was skeptical, very skeptical, but then it turned to a whole lot of confusion. What the fuck was going on that I didn't know about? What did it have to do with this conversation about Alice? I was so utterly confused, but one thing outweighed everything else: trust. I held so much trust for my mom, especially after everything that she had done for me the past. So I did not question her about anything she had said.

I replied with, "Okay mom, I trust you".

"Thank you sweetheart. And please do not mention anything about this conversation to your brother."

I do understand as to why she didn't want Tommy to know. All he really knows is that I got hurt and that we had to move for all of our safety. He didnt know any of the details.

"Of course mom."

She nodded her hair in thanks.

"Okay sweetie, I am going to head off to bed. I love you. Sweet dreams."

"I love you too."

After my mom had left the room with her things, my mind had started going crazy about everything. I honestly didn't know how I should feel. Shocked, confused, or scared. In due time I should be able to sort all my feelings when i find out what I didnt know about.

A few hours later I had finally finished the fourth season of Charmed. I decided t was now time for bed. It was well past one a.m. and I climbed up the stairs to my amazing bed.

As soon as my body makes contact with said bed, I welcome the darkness and I am lulled to sleep.

I will try to make the chapters longer, I promise.

Hope you liked it!

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