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Natsu POV

"Pregnant??" I say. It takes a while for my brain to register what has been said and whether or not its a good thing. I look at Wendy who is smiling and that's what makes my head click that this is great.

"Haha This is great. Lucy's pregnant" I say mainly to myself. I can feel my smile covering my whole face. I'm excited and its the most excited I've been ever.

"What do I do now?" I'm not quite sure whether to scream to the world that I'm going to be a father or wait till Lucy is awake to tell her first.

Wendy thinks for a little bit and then replies "Do whatever you think is right, and while you are thinking about that, I'm going back to the guild" She smiles towards me and turns to walk away.

I quickly grab her arm and turn her around so she faces me. "Thanks Wendy and don't tell anyone, I want Lucy to be the last to know" Wendy nods smiling and heads back to the guild, leaving me sitting alone and smiling like a complete idiot.

I end up sitting there for hours before I can force myself to move. I am starting to feel nervous, what if Lucy doesn't want a kid? I mean she has never talked about having kids but that might just be because it has never come up.

I end up sprinting to the guild and burst through the doors as happy as I can be. I get a few weird looks but no one bothers to ask questions.

"Hey Mira, is Lucy awake?" Mira looks up from cleaning a glass to look at me and smiles.

"Hey Natsu, she isn't awake yet but she has been sleeping for the past few hours so it shouldn't be that much longer" I thank her and go sit at a far table to avoid questions.

While waiting I become very fidgety and can't control my short movements. Erza walks over with a weirded out look on her face. "You alright there Natsu?" I can't tell Erza yet. Lucy must find out first.

"Yeah, eeeeeevvvvvverythings great" I say trying to act normal, doesn't plan out quite right though. She looks at me sideways knowing that something is up.

"Natsu, for crying out loud just tell me what's going on" She almost yells at me. I signal to her to be quiet. I don't think I can keep this from her much longer.

"Fine come closer and I will tell you" She leans in so close that her ear is almost touching my face. It is some what uncomfortable like this but I shouldn't worry about it now.

"Don't tell anyone" She nods enthusiastically and waits for me to continue. "The reason why Lucy has been so sick is because.....she is pregnant" Erza's mouth drops and her hand connects with my face.

"YOU GOT HER PREGNANT BEFORE MARRIAGE" Erza yells this and the whole guild hears. I guess Lucy will be the last to know then. I still lay on the floor clutching at my sore face.

The guild doesn't care about my sore face though, they are just ecstatic that there is a pregnant guild member.

"Why the hell is there so much noise....I am trying to sleep" Lucy says walking out of the infirmary and into the guild. She has a tired look on her face but she is also pissed from being waken. I rush over to her and take her hands.

"Well they just found out some great news" I say to her smiling Lucy looks at me confused.

"What is the news?" I look at her for a while and then make her sit down.

"'re pregnant"

Thanks for reading minna.

This is Nashi (Second book to the This is Nalu series) (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now