Chapter One. - Hunters descend.

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The loud screaming of a fox could be heard all though out the large forest. Birds rustled in the trees above, watching the string of events happening on the ground below. Two Fox's sat on the ground. One leaned against a tree, and the other beside it.

"Your almost there, Mary. Just a little longer." Said the first Fox, as he stood.

"Awoooooo!" Mary yelled.

The screaming stopped as the fox lightly nuzzled the wiggling pup.

"N-Nevin." Mary whispered, then she closed her eyes.

Nevin felt so happy he started to dance in circles around his newborn daughter cooing happily as she quietly yelped at him. "Look Mary! Look how pretty she is!"

Mary didn't answer. She must be sleeping. Nevin thought, he stopped his dancing, and walked back to his wife, and lightly tapped her shoulder. "Mary?" He said, barely louder than a whisper.

Her usual viberent orange fur was now dull, her soft skin was beginning to stiffen. And her ajar mouth was now cold, and breathless. Nevin stumbled back. "Mary!" He shock her again, harder this time. "Mary, wake up!" Mary lay there, lifeless. Her small paws now stiff. Her ears slightly bent. And her eyes closed, never to open again. He howled in sorrow.

After he finished, Nevin stood and stepped back. How could this have happened? I need Mary... We need Mary. He turned and looked at his daughter who was sitting next to the lifeless body still wiggling around, and making quiet noises. Her thin fur was beautiful, She looked just like her mother in everyway. Orange fur and a pure white stomach. With her eyes tightly closed, she tilted her head at him.

"No, lets go this way." He said, as he lifted the pup in his, turning away from the body.

He looked once more at the body of his dear wife, and began to run. The young pup yelping in his mouth, as he carried her with him. With no idea where he was running to.

He suddingly stopped as he came face to face with a snarling hunting hound. He stood frozen as they watched each other. Nevin could hear the sounds of more dogs approaching and willed himself to move.

Quickly he ducked under the large dog and ran. The surprised hound recovered and went barreling after the fox.

Bang! a bullet went soaring past Nevin's head, hitting a nearby tree.

Hunters! He began to galloped as fast as he could. He could hear the sound of the dogs barking and the loud crunch of dead leaves under the feet of his most feared enemy... Men.

Bang! Bang! Two more shots whistled by Nevin's head barely missing his ears. He took a sharp left and dived behind some large rocks. He slumped down against the rock and dropped The cub. She was whimpering and her shoulder was bleeding. He must had clamped down too hard on her while he was running. He could hear the Hunters getting closer, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep this up for very long. He looked at her and forced a smile. "Hey, you still need a name don't you?" The backing was getting closer. "Mmmm, do you like Lynn?" He asked, glancing behind the rocks. He could see the first few dogs coming over the a hill, lead by the hound.

The cub wiggled in reapsond. "Lynn."

Nevin smiled back. "Lynn, stay here for now. I will be back someday." He stood, and licked her face before dashing out from behind the rock, and running as far away as he could.

Bang! Bang!

Nevin felt a sharp pain in his left hind leg, but kept running. I have to lead them away from Lynn. He started to zig-zag around the trees. But was stopped when he reached a rushing river. He took a few steps back and then took a running jump, landing halfway across the river. The Hunters stood at the beach of the river and aimed their guns. The dogs leaped into the water after the Fox and were quickly gaining. The Hound still leading them. Snarling and swimming with all his might trying to reach the fox.

Nevin reached the other side and galloped away as fast as he could. He heard the Hunters yelling, and the dogs howling, but they stopped following him. He kept running for a while before he found a safe spot inside a large bush. He sat down and looked at his leg. Blood slowly poured out of the large wound. He lapped at it for a while but it was no use. Now that he had stopped running blood began to pool around his legs and he started to pass out. "Lynn" He whispered. Then everything blacked out.


Thank you for checking out my new story! I hope you guys are looking forward to the next update, which i promise will be soon!

For those of you that have been reading my other story 'The House of a Saint' I will be updating quite soon, so the wait is almost over!

Thank you all for reading! Feel free to comment and vote! That would be AWESOME!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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