Happy Ending

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Chapter 20

A/N: *sniff* *sniff* Well, this is the last chapter. I know you're sad, *sniff* but still... enjoy the show!

She had waited for this. Ever since she was a small girl. She waited for the day she would wear that beautiful white dress. The day she would walk down the aisle, surrounded by friends and family. And most of all, she waited for her Prince Charming. Though he wasn't really a prince, she didn't care. He was her Prince.

Mattie was the one who prepared her wedding gown. Once she was finished she stepped back and gave her work a looking over. Suddenly, the maid inhaled, "You look beautiful Miss!"

"Thanks to you Mattie. It's a lovely dress!" She looked at herself in the mirror one last time.

"Is there something bothering you Miss?" her maid asked concerned with the look on her Princess's face.

"No Mattie, I'm just... Nervous," her Princess replied.

"Nervous? HA! You have nothing to be nervous about now Princess... Not anymore. That young man of ours has pulled out all the stops and replaced them with his love for ya! And by the looks of it, he loves you an awful not. So Miss... Don't be nervous." Then, a smile appeared on the Princess's face. She laughed.

"I guess you're right again Mattie!"

"You bet I am! No come, let's get you married!"


"Is something wrong Zoro?" asked King James before the ceremony started. The two men were waiting behind closed doors. And the swordsman was fidgety in his outfit. Sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"No. It's just that, when I was a kid I told myself that girls were dumb and I was never gonna get married. Swords were better..." King James threw his head back, laughing.

"And how do you feel now?" Zoro tilted his head to one side and back again.

"I still like swords... But-"

"Your Majesty. We're ready." A man interrupted.

"Oh! Let's go lad! Wouldn't want to be late for your own wedding now would you?"


Robin took a deep breath before the huge oak doors opened before her. Once they were open, she took her first few steps out. The whole Kingdom was there! (Well, not everybody because that would be one pretty cramped wedding...) She smiled as she walked down the aisle. Zoro was on the other end, he watched her come closer. He swallowed hard, man was he nervous!

She finally made it up to the alter. And the ceremony began. Everyone cheered and clapped and they said the "I do's" and kissed. Mattie was in a corner and was balling her eyes out! (Happy tears kids, happy tears!)

Zoro smiled at his new Bride and picked her up and twirled her around, both laughing the whole time. Once he put her down their foreheads touched. Then they turned and waved to the crowd. They maid sure they invited everyone.

Bellemere was there in a lovely dress, with many people eyeing her hair!

Zoro saw Shanks and Kaya sitting beside each other. Zoro raised on eyebrow; oddly enough... Shanks wasn't wearing his straw hat. But Zoro shook off the thought.


Night had fallen. It had been a long day of merry making and drinking and dancing. Mattie had shown the newlyweds their room. Robin no longer slept in her room. They got a new bedroom. This one was much bigger. The bed was too. Zoro looked at the giant bed and chuckled, "You think they're trying to prove a point here?"

"Zoro." She lightly slapped his chest with the back of her hand.

"I'll leave you two to it then..." said Mattie her face went pink. The maid closed the door leaving the two lovers alone. Robin cleared her throat, "Um... Zoro you just make yourself comfortable." She made her way to the bathroom, (I have no freaking clue what a bathroom was called back then okay!), "I'm going to... change..." She turned her head to wink at him. His eyes widened and his face had little pink lines on it. He got the picture.

Robin came out in a pretty light purple nightgown that ended a little over her knees. The upper part pushed her breast up, (as if they weren't big 'n' round enough!). She smiled at the scene before her. Zoro was cussing and swearing trying his hardest to get his shirt off! She could see that he was able to get the other layers off, because they were all scattered all over the room. But the last layer had defeated him!

"Ugh! Damn... how do you get this stupid thing off? Why do they even make clothes like this?! Come... On!!!" Robin couldn't help but laugh. He turned around. His eyes, once again, widened at the sight before him. She came closer.

"Something wrong?" she asked coolly.

"Uhhh..." He blushed and looked away, "Well... I..." Suddenly, he felt soft cool hands upon his chest as she undid his clothing. He watched her with longing eyes.

"There." She pulled his shirt away from his chest. She then saw the long black, stitched up scar across his chest. Her smile faded at the look of it. He noticed this and said, "It didn't hurt... Honest." She looked into his green eyes.

"Liar." Slowly, he kissed her softly. They closed their eyes and let their feelings take control.

Soon he placed them on the gigantic bed. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, as they moaned into each other's mouths.

And before they new it they were makin' babies! (XD)

"Robin?" asked Zoro as they laid beside each other, covered in the white sheets.


"We're... We're not gonna tell your old man that this wasn't our first time are we?"

"Not a chance..."


The next day Zoro was a bit grumpy because he was back in another suit. The only thing that made him truly happy was Robin in her floor length dress, laughing at him, "Trust me swordsman this will be the last time you wear a suit!" She smiled at him.

Today was the morning after their wedding. They stood before more oak doors. Two guards in well shined armor opened the doors at the same time. Bright rays of sunlight burst threw. They walked out into the clean air, onto the balcony. They stood before hundreds if not, thousands of people, who clapped and cheered at the Prince and Princess. They waved down at the people. Zoro tapped Robin's shoulder when he spotted the children from town and they waved at them together.

It was a beautiful day. Beautiful and bright! And it looks good to all the ZoRo shippers out there, because this ship... has sailed!

The End

A/N: NOOO! THIS WAS IT! The final chapter! I REALLY hoe you guys enjoyed this story. It was fun to write. Sorry it you think it's too short but too bad! Read some of the other fanfics I've got if you like. I hope to make another Zoro X Robin one again soon. Thanks again! Roranora is out! PEACE!

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