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(I changed a little bit of the pronouns once a while, so please don't get to surprised.)
Asgore pov
He stood there, eyes lurked in both fear and darkness. He had no idea who's "User," is. "Chara, if it's you, come out here now!" He bellowed, ready to attack the monster everyone had feared of. "I..It's.. not.. m-me.." a weak voiced replied. This voice was different. It had a more softer tone, unlike a high-pitch giggle they once heard. "F-Frisk..?" Asgore said, his voice laced with fear. A different giggle came out. That giggled, the deadly one.

Then, came a person, a gray human with headphones, dragging out two children. Chara, and Frisk. "Oh what a shame you found us out," User said, plastered a fake sympathetic and a creepy unsettling smile. "I was planning to kill every single AU out there!" Asgore stepped back. "Why.. what are you doing with the children?!" He shouted. User laughed, know how helpless Asgore was. They looked over at Frisk, who wiped the tears off their bruised face and quickly showed CONTINUED and TRUE RESET. Asgore eyes widen. Then, User lifted their hand over Chara, who looked over at them. "I-I.. don't wanna d-do this.." They begged. User gave them a creepy look. "Do it, or I'll make you." They growled at Chara. Chara sighed sadly and showed Asgore THIER creepy face and laugh. "You see now?" User giggled,"You have no power against us. You may win one day, but It'll all RESET, into a terrifying and heartless cycle--" "Hey Asgore, what's taking you so long--"

Reapers pov
After waited for minutes, Death grew worried of what's going on in there. He got up and walked over to where Asgore is. His eyes wide open when he saw User, Frisk, and a.. merciful Chara? His pupils disappeared and quicker than Lafayette can rap, (sorry for not being sorry~) he pinned User away from the kids with bones and grabbed Chara by the collar. "Is this some kind of sick joke kid? If it is, your in for a big hella of a bad time." Death growled, his eyes flickered with blue. He immediately felt Frisk tugged his coat. 'Don't hurt Chara! Please, let them go explain.' Frisk said flinging their arms around. Death hesitated and looked over at Chara, who seemed to closed their eyes shut and shivered. He placed them down, grumbling. "Start talkin' kid," he said. Chara fell to the ground, eyes watered.

"It.. it was U-User.. After I-I died.. A gray person c-came up to me.. h-he said I can fixed t-this by doing o-one favor.. t-to let them give advice and some control.. So I did.. but t-they tricked me.. and my body was fully unfunctional. T-They made m-me kill everyone.. u-until you killed me for the last time.. t-then Frisk came into the Underground.. and U-User made me I-into tricking t-them as well.. until.. they met User themselves.. and.. we disappeared. T-They were p-planning to k-kill everyon--" All of a sudden, a sharp bone stabbed Chara in the stomach. They screamed in pain, holding thier stomach painfully. Everyone flinched. "I'll send help to destroy User!" Asgore yelled, rushing out the doors. Death summoned a Gaster blaster, and blew up most of User's body. They screamed in pain. "Frisk!! Came here now." They demanded. But they refused. Instead they healed Chara. "T-Thanks.. Frisk.." weakly coughed Chara. Frisk nodded. Death picked up Chara. "Kiddo.. how come you never told anyone?" Death asked softly, trying to attack the pissed off User. "They.. told me.. If w-we did.. they would kill everyone in.. this endless cycle.." drifted away Chara. Frisk took care of Chara while Sans tried to destroy User. "I guess I have to choice." Growled User. They then disappeared. Frisk perked pix and stepped away from Chara. 'I know this may be risky, whatever you do, slow Chara down.' Gestured Frisk. Death nodded, fear crawling up his spine.

"N-No.. I.." a creepy giggle came out from the child. "=)" The child sat up, and grabbed a knife and plunged towards Death. He missed it, fleeing and doing what Frisk said. Meanwhile Frisk stood there, and eyes concentrated on the ground. They fell into a dead state. "Kiddo!" Sans yelled, fearing the child was gone as well. Suddenly "Chara" started to run straight into Death, but he missed. "You can't run for long, Trash-Bag~" giggled User/Chara. "And you can't run in that body for long either." Said Death tiredly. His eyes wide open. So this is how Geno felt like. Death fearfully thought. He was lost in spaced, so User/Chara took that moment to stabbed Death. But then..

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