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Genesis's P.O.V

Thirteen years ago
Today was the last day of school I just can't wait to be a  sixth grader to get out of this school. So much drama and this is only elementary. Algee is not even with me because I came late today.

          "You sure he came to school today Mi." Jhiana asked me worrying. "I don't know Chrissy, he probably doesn't want to do the get together this year." I replied. Every year our family and friends walk to McDonald's and wait there till everyone arrives and just buy stuff then go to the park chill, play basketball, etc.

          Then when we go to my place and we talk about how this year was and we play truth or dare. "If he doesn't hurry and find us, he's going to miss out." she said playfully.

          The bell rang and it was time for us to leave and walk straight to McDonald's. "Come on Amira lets go." she said excited. I mean Chrissy does love her some food . "No lets wait for Gee." I said. "Isn't he with that girl?" My other cousin Christina said.

          "Who knows 'Stina" I said getting mad. Everyone told me that Algee had a girlfriend but I didn't believe it because he is my best friend, why wouldn't he tell me.

          We walked down the hall and went by the restrooms so I can get a drink of water. "Gen, what ever you do don't look back." My older cousin Kayla said. Before I knew it I seen Algee kissing Vanessa who used to be my friend.

         I told her everything to things like my insecurities all the way to me having a crush on Gee. Not only that Algee was supposed to be my Bestie Westie and to see him kissing someone he never told me about, I felt that in the heart.

          When they finished kissing I ran out of the school and heard my cousins call after me. I walked all the way to McDonald's but didn't buy anything. Ten minutes later I decided to walk myself to the park. About 20 minutes of myself playing basketball everyone decided to come.

           All you hear is "You good Gen?" or "You ok Mimi?". My sister even bought me McDonald's but I refused to eat it. I just wanted to be alone, so I sat by myself and put my head down. I felt warmth on my legs as someones legs were upon mine and looked up it was Algee.

           "You good G" He said looking worried. "Yeah I guess" I lied. He needs to get out of my face before I pop off. "I heard what happened, you still mad at me" he replied. "No" I said lying and turning my head. He tried to turn my head but then I went off.

          "Algee get your hands off of me go put them shits on Vanessa, what type of so called best friend are you, you didn't even think about how I'd feel about you dating the hoe of the school. 'O I'll never keep a secret from you ever.' " said mockingly. Jhiana tried to cover my mouth because she knew what I was going to blurt out but she couldn't.

          "I don't even know why they hell I would think to ever date you, and to think that you've been my crush over all these years,..... Ughh I'm such a dumbass!" I yelled. "Welp,thats enough cursing tonight" my sister said as she picked up and threw me over her shoulders. We walked home earlier than the others and all I could do is go to my room, shut the door, and ball my eyes out.


          My phone began ringing and I rolled my eyes. Oh my gosh, What is with everyone bothering me while I sleep? "Hello" I said. "Hey Nieceypooh, how you been?" Max replied. "Hey Uncle Max I've been good, and you?" I stated and put him on speaker while I went to do my morning routine.

          "Same but, I was wondering if you'd want to come to my place and we'd get Waffle House". "Of course Uncl-" I got cut off. "We will be there at 8:30 sharp" Jhiana said. "And I'll drive you to McDonald's Jhi since we know that's all you eat." Max said playfully and laughing. "Yay, bye love you Uncle Max." she said hanging up. "I swear I hate you." I said. "Love you too my sexy cousin Genesis" she said while kissing my cheek.


🌸8:15 a.m🌸

          "Jhiana! are you done?" I yelled leaving my room

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          "Jhiana! are you done?" I yelled leaving my room.

            "Yeah Mi lets bounce." she said before grabbing a gatorade from the freezer.

🍃8:28 a.m🍃

              I knocked on the door and Uncle Max opened it. "Hi Uncle Max. "I spoke as we hugged. "Hey Nieceypooh and Jhi" He said letting us in . I sat my things on the counter while Max said he was leaving and Jhi went with him. I sat on the stool and heard someone come out of the kitchen.

          "Max I took a Fiji water bottle out of ya fridge" the voice said. The voice sounded familiar to me. He was about to walk back into Max's room till he saw me. "S ?" He said confused. There was a sudden pause and I turned around.


To be continued.....

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I hope I get views ✨Algeeismine✨

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