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Third person POV

"Sir the car is ready"

He nod as his butler took his bag and lead him to the door. This is his morning routine, woken up by his personal maid, dressed by his own personal designer, having breakfast made by the best chef in the country. Well he is Kim Taehyung, the heir of Kim Hotels, Resorts, Malls and so on.

The car ride is always silent, as always. He fixed his Gucci watch, he stared at the time and sighed, "great..". Taehyung has been going to school late these past few days. He might still be a student majoring in Music and Arts, but when he gets home, his stays in his own office to review files and business proposals as he is expected to participate and be trained to when he will be taking over his Father's position. He made a choice of doing what he loves, and the future his parents want for him. Taehyung is an obedient kid, he has always been. Taehyung is clumsy yet tactful, acts dumb but is actually a genius, cute but sexy, handsome, indescribably beautiful and handsome.

As the car stops at the school's private garage, the butler hurriedly went out the car to his side, Taehyung then gently unbuckle his seatbelt and stepped out of the car, he fixed his tie, took another step but he spotted something, it's a paper with black scribbles, yet to him it looks like an art, its like he wants to discover the meaning behind those lines, he looked at the bottom right corner of the paper with a written 'one' in cursive. He flips the paper to find an adress " JungPark Industrial Building 2 Unit 4 163 street".

"Chanyeol hyung, i don't have a meeting today right?" Taehyung asks his butler as he looks at him with hopeful eyes.

"Mr. Kim, please refrain from calling me that, i don't want to get fired, we have a new driver, he might tell your father about it." Chanyeol panics as he took Taehyung's bag and bowed to him. "And by the way Mr. Kim, you have a dinner meeting at 6pm at your cousin's restaurant" Chanyeol straightens up and tries to nudge Taehyung a bit. He leaned closer to the latter a bit enough for him to whisper "pls come on tae you're so fcking late already".

Taehyung wasn't even bothered, "oh which cousin?" He asked as he wiggle his eyebrows with the annoying and playful smirk as the 6'1 foot tall boy became flustered and averted his eyes heart pounding. Taehyung quickly patted his butler/bestfriend's shoulder, "i know channie, i know about your little crush on my cousin baekie, so how about i set you up a date with him? All you have to do is cancel my 6pm meeting tonight and cover me up. Please Channie hyung?" puppy eyes lip pouting, the ashgray haired male did his best to make his bestfriend agree.

The obviously taller guy sighed in defeat, "fine, but don't tell him or give him a hint of how i feel for him, tell him you need his help or something, just don't tell him i have this little crush on him, then we have a deal" he held his hand out, pinky finger peaking waiting for the latter to seal the pinky promise.

Taehyung grinned and hugged the latter instead, "thank you channie hyung! Thank you! thankyou !thank you!" chanyeol pulled himself from the hug and immediately as he held his hand again waving it in front of the latter's face.

"No tae, pinky promise first!" He pouted.

The ashgray haired boy held his hand up and sealed the promise. They grinned at each other as the bell rang letting them realise that the first subject is over. Taehyung quickly took his bag and ran off from the tall guy yelling "see you later hyung!"

"Aish this kid.." chanyeol signed slightly laughing of how taehyung is so adorable. He shook his head then looked at the new hired driver, "what are you looking at?"

The latter than lowered his gaze to the ground mumbling "nothing sir". He looks so scared that chanyeol felt a bit pang of guilt since his father was once the driver.

"I'm sorry Jihoon, i'm just not used to being stared at" he patted the younger's shoulder and smiled at him.

"It's okay sir, i just admire your relationship with Mr. Kim, he is such a nice and humble person, i hope i could be his friend too. No, not t-tha-at i -i ha-ave ba-ad i-inte-entions.." the younger stuttered as he found himself way too being nosey on his first day of working as taehyung's personal driver. (I know what you think hoes💦 but no)

"Its okay, im sure you will be his friend too, taehyung likes people, he even makes friends with goats chickens and any other living things" chanyeol chuckled at the childhood memories him and taehyung shared.


Taehyung arrived at his Music class, panting, he fixes himself before entering the room which all students also stood up upon his arrival.

One step, two steps.. the sleek handsome boy enetered the room, praised liked a prince, everyone bowed down to him. "When will they ever treat me like a normal person?" He thought.

Taehyung then went over his seat and desk. He hates this, he hates being treated like a God. He has his own lounge during breaktime, special wooden office desk and chair in every subject he is in, never got in detention since all of the people around him is afraid to disrespect the heir of the richest family in the whole Asia. Taehyung used to be homeschooled, no friends, just chanyeol. But with his constant begging and cries to his parents, they allowed him to go in a university in hopes that it might help the young boy to be somehow mature. His parents of course, there always lies conditions:

1. Always have Chanyeol with you.

2. Be home no later than 7:00 pm, sharp.

3. Don't interact with too many people.

4. If they treat you special, its because you're our son.
(Don't blame me, it's all your mother's idea -dad)

5. Enjoy.

Taehyung smiled at the thought. His parents might be the busiest people in the world yet they always try and squish taehyung in their schedule. They love their only son too much to ignore him. Thats why the young handsome boy just ease himself with the hate he feels.

"Goodmorning everyone, i'd like to announce that we have a new transfer student, from Cypher University" the hot teacher (as taehyung describes him) ushered the student to come in.

Everyone gasped, while the ashgray haired boy is still distracted, staring at the paper of scribbles he found earlier.

There stood, a pale boy, eyes with no emotion. He finally intoduced himself, making the latter widen his eyes, memories came back, everything seems vivid but that smile he missed, that voice he longed for so many years.

"Hello, name's Min Yoongi"


Still a short chapter but hey, i still tried my best to make it a bit longer than it actually was.

Thank you for reading. Each one of you means a lot.

I purple you! Please look forward to this story.

Will update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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