1:10 - SR

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Irene come to Universe Cafe this morning. Yeri tell her that Suho always come to the cafe to get a cup of coffee while reading.

"There you are." Irene is ready. She is ready to get ignore by Suho but again, no matter what happen, she have to explain and tell him the truth. In that way, she won't have to feel guilty anymore.


"Well, don't say anything. It's my fault. I will tell you the truth so you, please listen to me till the end. Don't faint, okay?" Suho smile. "I'm not."

"Sure you are duhh. Okay, first thing first. Kim Suho, did you forget that Oh Sehun is my cousin? Are you sure you're his friend but not knowing this fact?" Suho gulped. "I-"

"Second, I said listen to me first or you will make the same mistake again. For your confession. I did not reject you. I like you too. But I can't let you court me. Okay? Did you get it?" Irene looking at Suho eyes, trying to see if Suho can digest the info.

"Why not?"

"Kim Suho, I think I clearly said that I also like you. Why do you need to court me when we can just date?"

🎇 🎇 🎇

Edit : 16 Jan, 2021

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