"The Mystery of the Black Hero" Prologue

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Welcome to the City of Dreams.

The time now is 12.03a.m. 

Just a little bit past midnight.

If he hurry his pace he might still be able to make it.

Taking another mouthful of the cold air, the boy started to pedal faster than ever. 

All the buildings flashed past the lone rider as he cut through the bitter night, at the speed he is going the street lights seems to be whirling around him in a neon brightness.

Even at this hour, this busy city doesn't sleep. As he entered the city district, he instantly spotted groups of young people jostling around, be it chitchatting, drinking or just simple loitering. At this hour from where he came from, people of his age should already be deep asleep but not here.  Then there are the lovers that fill the riverside enjoying the scenery of the city’s beautiful skyline reflected in the water.  The oaths they make to each other will also be lost to the night, the boy thought.

As he comes to an impassable stop, he took another deep breath and lifted his head up to the sky. The roaring skyscrapers seems to swallow you up if you were to try looking up the first time you are here. But he’s been here long enough and had got used to so many things that he long forgotten what it felt like to be surprised at anything that happens here.

A full moon with no stars to be seen at all. What a fitting night sky for a day like this.

He smiled a little to himself as he pedalled on taking little notice to the fact that the light is still red. As long as it is passable and there is a road, he will ride through it. Even the roaring giants driving on the road at whatever high speed they are going did not even shake him. His skills, despite his young age, was that of a professional. And on his road racer, he was unbeatable and faster than anyone else.

Nothing else mattered to him than speed on a bike.

At least that was what he thought back then.

From where he came from, he was the fastest on the road bike, he could beat even the proclaimed fastest riders with minutes to spar in any race.

Even when he came to this city where he thought he would find some good competition slowly became really boring to him. He could easily sprint pass the so called racers whenever he wanted to and win the competitions. He thought he was at the top and was the fastest in the city until he met the man that crushed all of his pride.

They called him the new guy. A complete nobody in the world of cycling but was incredibly talented. The boy didn’t believed them until he witnessed it himself.

It was crazy and it took all of his strength just to keep up with him. He could barely remember his face because he was always behind him and could only see his back in the races. The new guy that came and challenged him to a race took away his first place as easily as he took away others. The boy thought he could win against him if he kept trying but time and time again he was crushed flat as the new guy surpassed him by a hopeless amount of time.  

He lost his sponsors, fans and slowly everyone stopped believing in him and he knew that no matter how hard he tries he could never beat the new guy.

That was why when that accident happened he was glad it did. That’s right, it was a road accident that had nothing to do with him.

At least that was what he tells himself every morning he wakes up but the truth, the truth that was buried with the accident will stay with him forever. The boy gave a small smirk and thought that was what he deserved.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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