Social Slave

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Heads turn,

Smiles wither to frowns,

The twinkle in their eyes vanishes

Because a Muslimah proudly wears her crown.

Cruel whispers touch her back

And crawl to her innocent ears.

They are disturbed by her head covering,

They think it supresses her thoughts and voice

But, they don't know

That her hijab-

Her beautiful crown

Liberates her

From their mindset that is narrow,

From their values that are bleak.

What kind of freedom is this?

Where judgement is more significant 

Than humanity.

She is a Hijabi

And a Muslimah too

But they forget she is human-

Unlike them, she is not cruel.

But they are,

They will be

As they become monsters

Due to dried up wells of humanity,

Due to lies infiltrating their brains.

The media has spread too many rumours,

They don't tire,

They don't fade.

So the monsters leap

And play their role well-

They strip the Muslimah of her Hijab,

They take away her beautiful crown.

But, they've demeaned her strength

Because without her Hijab

She is still Muslimah

And she is strong.

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