Chapter 3

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“Abhi..Open the door man” said Purab while knocking the door.

“What now Purab..Leave me alone for sometime dont irritate me” yelled back Abhi.

“Arey bhai please” he begged almost.

He unlocked the latch and opened the door,
“Abhi,dont behave like a kid yaar is this is big issue just think calm it looks so childish who is she just a doctor and there was a misunderstanding and argument and that too over now why are you thinking about it just leave it,You not gonna face her again then why you spoiling your mood for that girl” explained Purab to his attitude friend.

Abhi remains calm for couple of minutes and looked up to him,

“You are right I think,forget it” sighed Abhi.

“Thats like my bro” smiled Purab and hugged him.

Abhi smiles and hugs back Can we go out for dinner” asked Abhi.

“Today,No bro I have a meeting” said Purab.

“Oh,no make some time for me man” pouted Abhi.

Just then Abhi’s mobile beeped,Abhi slide the fingers over the phone and his lips crept a smile.Purab who noticed this asked “What’s that”

“Nothing you go ahead with your meeting I got an ice cream date” said Abhi and got up to leave.

“Dont tell me its with Meera” asked Purab irritated.

“She is” said Abhi by setting his hair before his mirror.

Purab marches towards him and pulled Abhi towards him “Are you seriously dating her” asked Purab seriously.

“What?You are mad Purab” shrugged Abhi.

“Thats not the answer” said Purab by crossing his arms to the chest.

“You crazy she is just a friend” said Abhi holding his arms.

“Girlfriend” asked Purab.

“Girl and friend,does it sounds like girl friend for you then she is a GIRL FRIEND no no HALF GIRL FRIEND” asked Abhi with a grin.
Purab sighs irritated.

Abhi holds his hands “Hello,dont think anything serious I just  wanna go out now you are busy and she is available,She is really a JUST friend thats it” explained Abhi.

“Are you sure” asked Purab.

“Come on Purab,stop nagging me like my wifey” said Abhi by laughing out on his face where Purab stared at him.

“Dont stare me that way,I know I am hard to resist” said Abhi by covering himself with jacket naughtily.

Now Purab glare him even more.

“Okay okay you keep on doing pop out exercise with your eyes I am leaving” said Abhi in return Purab rolls his eyes in disbelief.

“Bubye wifey” he said by pulling his cheeks.

Chiiiii...” Purab pushed his hands.

Abhi chuckled and left the home.

Purab phone rings,

“Bulbul” Purab let out a sigh and attends the call.

“Hey, hi Purab I cant attend the meeting today as I have get together with my friends so sorry handle it alone bubye dont call me back I wont come for sure have a good evening” said Bulbul without letting him to speak and ends the call.

“What the..” sighed Purab and got down in the stairs as he saw Alia hurrying somewhere.

“Alia” called Purab.

“Shit..” moaned Alia and walked fast to get escape from him.

“Alia..Alia..Alia..” shouted Purab and ran to her pace and hold her hands.

‘ other way you caught Alia’ said Alia herself.

“Yes Purab you called me” asked Alia innocently.

“You asking I called you,Idiot I was screaming your name and you are going in a hurry complained Purab.

“Oh I have a meeting today” said Alia and tried to move.

“Yes,We have a meeting come lets go together” said Purab.

“No not that meeting actually..actually..A new client meeting me and Bulbul have to attend” lied Alia to get escape.

“Acha..So you too decided to hang out”said Purab with a grin.

“Actually Purab,Bulbul said she gonna introduce me with her friends so I wanna go” said Alia with puppy eyes.

“But not today,already Bulbul is not there and I am not gonna leave you” said Purab.

“But” tried Alia.

“You have to come,lets go” said Purab and pulled Alia with him.

Alia sighs and follows him as she trapped well.

“Where is Pragya she didn't come yet” asked Bulbul checking her watch for the nth time while waiting for Pragya in restaurant lawn.

“She ll come yaar be patient” said Nikkil.

“Tanu,why dont you took her with you” asked Milind.

I asked but she refused as its too far for me to reach her home and she ll come by herself” said Tanu.

“Why she is like this always thinking as we ll consider as a burden to help her” asked irritated Bulbul as she hates this from Pragya.

“Thats she is,She ll always think that its unwanted burden to us if she asks any help from us and we cant change” said Tanu.

“She and her ethics” sighed Bulbul.

“Wait lemme call her” said Milind and called Pragya.

“Pragz where are you” asked Milind.

“I am on the way,my scooty had fallen ill so thats late” said Pragya in an apologizing tone.

“You na why dont you call us,tell me where are you I am coming” said Milind.

“No need I am already in an auto will reach there soon and dont start without me will kill you guys” said Pragya seriously.

“Okay okay come soon” chuckled Milind.

“okay then meet you there” said Pragya and ends the call.

“How I am looking Abhi” asked Meera as she get into his car.

“Looking great as always” smiled Abhi and looked the side mirror to turn the car there he saw a little girl wearing chashma playing with a ball automatically his lips crept a smile ‘Purab was right that was one of the worst childish act of yours with that chashmish,by the way she looks cute in chashma’ thought Abhi and smiled.

“shall we move Abhi” asked Meera.

“Yes” he said and ignited the engine.

Pragya was on the way she was looking away through the window and her eyes caught a poster of Abhi.Her mind immediately thought about the morning incident in hospital and she mentally slapped herself for being so childish and argued with him, she reminisces that again ‘Buddhu Pragya..Have you gone mad just behave as a doctor,dont ever do this childish act again it just looks like you fights with him as he eaten your ice cream without your knowledge and demanding for an apology’ she thought and slapped her forehead and smiled thinking her silly argument with him.

To be continued..

By Srimathi.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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