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I paced the small cage, I snorted as I became restless. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs it was Anduin. He walked to the bars. "King Anduin proposes a trade." He said. 

"Trade?" I snorted and walked to the bars.

"If you get us information you are free." He said. I looked at Garona she knew I wouldn't do it, but I was willing to be free. I nodded as did the halfling.

"You have our word." Garona said. Now there was no betraying the pink skins. So we were shackled together and then led behind a horse and was taken back to our camp, this hurt that I had to betray my clan, but I wouldn't go down with out a fight I wasn't going to taint my honour, I was not going to give the pink skins satisfaction. As soon as we came over the hill of the camp I charged forward pulling Anduin from his horse. I ran straight to Grommash, the humans didn't do a thing.

"Help me!" I cried falling to my knees presenting the chains at my wrists to him.

"Ruk!" He exclaimed, then looked behind me and there was Anduin on the ground.

"Seize the human!" Grommash ordered. He broke my chains and I was free, I looked up on the hill where Khadgar, Llane and Garona stood. I was standing up proudly, my chest heaving and my nostrils flared, I was showing how loyal I was to my clan, how proud no matter if I was the runt of the clan. Of course they all glared at me but I. Shrugged i off, I refuse to serve the pink skins, I am loyal to only my kin.

I guarded Anduin as he came around, he had been locked in a cage, I stood there watching intently. Grommash approached me. "You have done well, we now have leverage." He rested a great hand on my shoulder. I nodded. I was proud the only thing I wanted was approval from my chieftain nothing more. I wanted to belong. Durotan approached me quietly and wrapped one hand around my waist pulling me to him. "Rest Smalltusk." He told me. "I'll take watch." He finished kissing my hand and letting me go.

For the first time since Dagg'rak had passed I smiled at the orc, he had changed perhaps he was becoming a suitable mate after all. I found my place within my clan, many orcs congratulating me and slapping me on the back. I was no longer a runt of the clan, I was an orc! I yawned loudly and showed off my small tusks proudly, I lay down on the mat with a thud. I had four orcs standing around, guarding me. I was now an important orc. I slept well and awoke to a commotion. I saw a ring of orcs not far from me, they were cheering and thrusting the butts of their spears into the ground. 

When I approached I saw a beaten Anduin in the middle with Blackhand looming over him, his hand entangled into the humans hair lifting his head up. Anduin looked directly at me.

"R. . . Ruk help." He wheezed.

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