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"I think that we should go back. It's pointless to continue when we have Stacy injured".

"Luke,can't you see that I'm taking us forward to find a nice safe place for her? I'm doing this for her and you guys."

"Charlie come on, it's getting dark so we should better go back where we saw that little cabin"

"No I insist to continue. There was certainly nothing in there, no medicines, no pads nothing".

"OK here's the thing. She is exhausted, injured, I'm tired of carrying her and Tommy looks really tired so I'm taking them back to the cabin and you can continue yourself for as far as you want. I'm not risking their lives anymore".

"Fine do your thing but I'm going to find food and probably some medicines for Stacy so don't wait for me tonight."

"No,no Charlie don't go. Don't leave us."

"Hey, I ain't leaving you Tommy. I'll come back with supplies, guess tomorrow before the sun sets."

"Can I come with you? Please let me come with you I want to help. I want to bring Stacy some medicine and food."

"No that's too dangerous you need to stay here with our brother and help him with Stacy and the Dead you'll might find."

"Please I really want to come. Besides Luke can be by himself. He doesn't need anyone for protection."

"Ugh damn it fine you can come but for as long as you promise me you'll do what I've shown you."

"Hey you know you don't have to worry about that."
"Luke,I'm going with Charls you take care of Stacy we'll find you tomorrow".

"Really Tommy? You're gonna leave me alone? Well done Charlie! Fine go ...both of you I don't care."

"Ughhh, I can't stand him sometimes. He can be so annoying."

"Oh come on Charls you know him, how he is and how he acts but that's why you love him."

"He's our brother,siblings don't love each other especially brothers and sisters and especially in our case."

We continued walking in the woods trying to find a squirrel or a rabbit but nothing. Completely nothing.

After hours and hours of walking I heard a tiny noise behind me and I turned quickly. Here it was. A perfect, well fed,squirrel that was too fat to run fast. I took out my arrow,pointed at him and...shot it. Except that another arrow was right under mine AND on MY squirrel.

"What the hell?"I said.
I turned my head on the right and I saw him standing there pointing at me with his crossbow.

"Put ya things down on the ground slowly and raise your hands up. Now!"

"Damn it" I thought.

"Hey, what did I just say? Put ya things down slowly."

I took my bag, placed it on the ground and then I took my bow with my arrows and placed them on the ground too.

"No turn and don't move."

"Dude what's to you want? My weapons? My supplies? I placed them down so you'd better take them and go before I get pissed off."

"You know you ain't in position to threat me don't you? So shut your damn thing and move"

"Watch your mouth you asshole. You ain't got no right to talk to me like that."

"I talk how I want".

He put a hood on me, tied my hands and put me in a car and started driving. We were driving for a long time,guess he did that on purpose so that I won't exactly know the place his is taking me.
Then after at least an hour he stopped, opened my door,pulled me out of the car very angry and we walked for a while.

Soulmate ~Daryl Dixon |1|Where stories live. Discover now