Divergent not the end based on Divergent High (FourTris)

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A/N: this story is more detail of the story divergent high (FourTris).... all credit goes to the author of divergent high (FourTris), thank you.

Tobias walks in and sees me yet again reciting my poem, "Tris you have to stop! It is only making it worse and you know it."

I just sit there and say nothing, I stare out my window and wonder if anyone would care if I were to die, besides Tobias. Why am I a sociopath? Why did I all of the sudden change, why didn't I become a sociopath right when I found out that Caleb died? I have so many questions that will never be answered, or atleast I think.

Now Chris walks in, "Tris! Snap out of it! You can't be a sociopath we know someone made you like this!"

I just stare..... and stare........ and stare.

I hear them walk out of the room and the door shuts behind them.

About five minutes later Caren walks in, and gives me a p.b. and j sandwich with a sprite and some vanilla ice cream, I thank her and invite her to sit. She doesn't take my offer, instead she just stands and waits for me to talk to her. 

"Why am I just now a sociopath? Why didn't I become a sociopath when my brother, caleb died?"

"Oh, honey don't do this to yourself again. I have a gaint suspecion that someone that is jealous of you and Tobias being together."

"That's it, I think now, no I know now that I am not a sociopath, do you think that they will let me out?"

"I don't know, probably not." says Caren.

"Atleast tell Tobias to come by later please."

"I think I can manage that."

By now I don't even remember that poem all I know is that I am not a SOCIOPATH!!!! AND that girl is gonna pay!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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Divergent not the end based on Divergent High (FourTris)Where stories live. Discover now