Suzy Moves In

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We all left the office.

Danny and I drove back home together in silence.

Barry and Ross drove together and Arin and Suzy were off to go get her stuff.

When we all got back to the house we went into the living room.

I decide to break the silence.

"I guess I'll make dinner what do you guys want?" I say. Then all of a sudden Danny laughs, "Whatever Suzy's least favorite food is." We all laugh. "Do you guys know what that is? Cause I'll gladly make it to make her hate me even more." "I think it's lasagna." (Idk XD) 

"Great. I'll start dinner then." I say getting up, "Can I help?" Danny asks. "Please do."  We make lasagna and take it out of the oven setting it on the oven to let it cool.

We sit in the living room and wait for Arin and Suzy to come home.

Soon the front door opens and I hear Arin yell "What's that smell, it smells good. He walks into the living room with Suzy looks at me expecting an answer.

"Danny and I made lasagna for dinner." I smile. Suzy rolls her eyes, "I hate lasagna are serious." "Yeah, sorry didn't know you didn't like it. Anyways it's on the stove if you want some Arin." 

Arin quickly nods his head and bolts into the kitchen. Barry, Ross, Danny and I following him. Suzy then storms upstairs, "I guess I'll unpack by myself!" She says clearly hinting that she wants Arin to go and help her. But instead of Arin agreeing all he said was "Okay!" And continued to dig into the lasagna.

After that Barry, Danny, Ross and I all can't help but to burst into laughing. Arin looks up and sighs we all stop laughing and look down. "Sorry Arin." I say. "Guys it's fine, I guess. I know you guys don't really like Suzy but she's my girlfriend and you all need to respect that." He puts his plate in the sink and starts to walk away. "Arin, wait." He ignores me and continues to walk upstairs.

I look down and walk into the living room, the rest of the guys following. I collapse onto the couch with a big sigh. I've been here a two days and Arin already hates me. Great.


Sorry this is so short I haven't had time to write. I listened to Dodie's new EP and starbomb well writing this so that was fun. Anyways bye guys!

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