Worst Day Ever

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"Octavia! Aren't you supposed to be at work?" My mothers stands in my door way with fresh towels, with her left hand on her hip. I take out one ear bud so I can hear her better, lord knows when this woman starts talking she cant stop. "No, it's Sunday. You know I don't work Sundays." I tell her putting my ear bud back in. "Honey, It's Monday." 


Of course it's Monday. Of course this happens to me. I spring out of my bed and run directly in my closet looking for a clean shirt and some pants. After throwing on a chunky pink sweater, light wash jeans and some short brown boots, I throw my hair up in a messy bun and I'm out the door. My manager said if I was late one more time, I was done. Hopefully she'll forget all about it. As soon as I get to the bakery, I run inside hoping Mrs. Sanchez isn't at the desk.

"You're late again, Anderson." Mrs. Sanchez yells at me, visibly pissed off. I look down at my feet and I can feel my face getting red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry Mrs. Sanchez, I know. It won't ever happen again." Mrs. Sanchez sighs and walks towards me with her hands behind her back. "Listen, I gave you this job because your mother is my best friend but I also run a business here. If anyone else was late as many times you have been, they would be out the door. I'm sorry but I have no more patience. You're fired. Hand me your apron and go home." I reach in my purse and hand her my apron and badge. I put my head down and slowly walk out the door. My mom is going to be pissed.

I get in my car and start the 15minute drive home. My mom is going to be pissed. I get pulled from my thoughts as I hear my engine start to putter. "Fantastic, I ran out of gas." I say to myself as I pull the car in a nearby alley. Just then, I hear thunder and see a streak of lightening in the sky. I figure if I can run to the gas station in time, I can get back before the rain hits. I step out of the car, grabbing my keys and my wallet and begin the walk down the road. I get to the corner and it starts to pour down rain. Thunder crashing so loud, my whole body shivers. Lightening streaking across the sky. Could this day get any worse. I mean, come on! 

Tears start to fall from my face. Today has been too much. And I know as soon as I get home my mom is going to kill me. If I can even get home. A car pulls up distracting me from my pity party. "Do you need a ride?" I hear a husky voice making my eyes snap up quickly. I see a man in a BMW. I couldn't really see what he looks like from where I'm standing so I lean towards the window to get a better view. 

I see a gorgeous man with a 5 o'clock shadow. Dark, wavy hair slicked back with piercing green eyes staring straight through me. He flashes me a smile showing his perfect pearl teeth and dimples on each cheek. As I'm staring at him his dark eyebrows moving, raising his left and giving me a questioning look. 

"I-I think I'll be fine. Thank you." I struggle to spit out the words as I'm mesmerized by his eyes." "Are you sure? It's really no problem. And it's cold outside." He says trying to convince me which was actually working.  "Are you sure?" I say still in a trance. "Of course. Hop in!" He says smiling his beautiful smile yet again. I get in the car and tell him my address and we're off. "Thank you so much. It's been a long day." I say smiling at my feet. "It's no problem." He says, "I'm just glad you're alright."

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