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i woke up, my head pounding, my confusion slowly turned to panic not recognizing where i was.

this is not my room..

i slid off of the bed, i had a pair of bhhs lax sweatpants on and a black bhhs weight room t-shirt on.

"where the fuck am i?"

i looked around finding my phone and clothes folded on the dresser, i checked my phone, i had a dozen messages from celia and three missed calls.

'where tf are you?' 'brit wth!' seriously where did you go.' 'you went off with liam?! i knew there was something there, text me when you wake up.'

i sighed, shuffling my feet out into the hallway, looking around seeing the living room at one end. i made my way down, peeking my head around the corner seeing a certain blonde shirtless boy making what seeming to be a smoothie in the kitchen. i internally gasped, looking down at my clothes then back up into the void.

maybe i could make a run for it?

"brit, is that you?" liam called out.

oh my god!

"i can hear your heartbeat, don't worry we didn't do anything."

"oh thank god," i breathed out in relief.

i heard him chuckle, and then start the blender, i awkwardly shuffled out into his view.

"you want a smoothie? its strawberry banana," he offered.

"i dont know, are you gonna poison it?"

he rolled his eyes, "no."

"then fine."

i slowly approached him looking over his shoulder watching him blend the smoothie.

"soooo, what happened last night exactly?"

"well, you got hammered," he started, pouring the smoothies into glasses, sliding me one, "and almost went home with some guy ive never seen before, but i figured you wouldnt wanna wake up so i offered you some assistance."

"oh, uh, thanks i guess," i drank some of the smoothie, "god my head fucking hurts, good thing its not sunny today."

"i think i have advil in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom," he offered.

"yeah, ill go get that."

i went down the hall, finding the bathroom and grabbing a couple advil, popping them in my mouth and using my hand to get water in my mouth. once i got back i noticed that liam was on the phone with someone.

"babe, you need to stop worrying, i was just looking out for a friend."


i felt a pang in my chest, almost like jealousy, but since i didnt like him then jealous was obviously not what i was feeling.

"okay, bye," he hung up, rolling his eyes, "sorry about that, scott wants us to meet him at his work."

i nodded, drinking the rest of my smoothie, liam told me i could just give him his clothes back at some point. so i went out in maroon sweatpants and green velvet heels, lets just say its a look. there was a motorcycle and jeep and another car already at the vet office. we got out of the car and walked in, it was the whole group of people from lunch the other day.

"wow you look like crap," the girl with brown hair commented.

"thanks," i deadpanned.

"hungover?" celia asked.

"yeah, and youre not, ms. i-have-a-concussion-yet-i-still-get-drunk-and-look-perfect-the-next-day."

she shrugged, "i dunno what to tell you."

"yeah, that is a little weird though," stiles commented.

"i told you i wasn't drunk," she said.

"yeah, okay," he retaliated.

"scott?" a man with dark skin walked in, older than any of the people in the room.

"deaton, we have a problem," scott started.

it took scott like fifteen minutes to explain every that that has happened the past week.

"sounds like you have a black eyes being problem," deaton replied.

"a what?" lydia asked.

i started wondering what they were all doing here, what they all had to do with this. lydia and stiles weren't werewolves but they're still here, its like
they're an organized group or something.

"theyre shells of people who crossed witches back before any of your family lived here."

"im sorry, witches?" the brown haired girl i now
assumed was malia said.

"yes, most of them have died off except for a certain line, but they haven't been seen in decades, anyway, these beings are cursed to walk forever without feelings trapped here forever without dying. now you can lift the curse but the only way would to be to find one of those witches," deaton explained.

"how do we find a witch?" stiles asked, "especially if they havent been seen in decades."

"well, im pretty sure we have one in our midst," his eyes landed on celia.

"sorry, you dont mean–" celia paused, "me?"

"yes, you, after knowing how that thing reacted to you, it obviously holds a lot of anger towards you, you looked into its eyes snd nothing happened, right?"

"i mean, yeah, but that doesnt mean–"

"im afraid it does, celia, but also i can tell you havent tapped into your power, like how lydia's banshee powers arose because of peter," deaton made an example.

"okay, but we arent letting peter bite her," lydia cut in.

"no, that wouldn't work, a witches powers have to come in naturally, and once they do, then we can lift the curse from the being and it'll be free to go."

"okay so what, this is just a waiting game?" malia asked.

i looked over at celia, she was scratching at her hands, i could basically see her anxiety.

"a witch?" she repeated.

"yes, a witch."

"i think–" she swallowed, "i think i need some air."

after she said that, she rushed out of the vet office, i gave the room a once over before going out after her.

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