Chapter 3 (Secrets)

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'Did you see what she was wearing?' Gasp. 'I would never be caught dead in something like that!'

'Yeah, like since when do you match mauve with beige in...' Blah, blah, blah. Jake tuned out Tammy and the rest of the cheerleading team's incessant blathering and turned his head towards the school grounds. They were sitting at one of the picnic tables outside, having lunch. He had asked Tammy to have lunch with him, thinking it might be a good opportunity to spend some time with her and figure out a few things out, but once again, Tammy had brought her posse along with her. His eyes landed on Athena as she walked across the grass, listening to what her friend was saying. She laughed and he found himself smiling. 'Hey Tammy, I'll be right back.' He said and stood up without checking his girlfriend's reaction. 

The conversation didn't even pause so she probably didn't even hear him, but he didn't care. He strolled over to Athena. 'Athena!' Athena's head spun in his direction. The smile instantly stopped from her face when he reached her. She stood still. 'Hey,' he said, smiling. He looked at her friend. 'Hey, I'm Jake.' He said. The girl smiled.

'Kelly,' she introduced herself. He looked back at Athena.

'Can I help you, Jake?' she asked.

He smirked, 'Yeah, I was wondering if we could do another session on calculus today after school,' he said. Athena's eyes widened slightly.

'Another? Jake, it's Friday! And for goodness sake, I already have to put up with you twice a week. That's more than enough,' she said, he could hear the frustration in her voice. He smiled. Oh, how he loved pushing her buttons.

'Well, I think I might need a few more. If you saw my grades, you'd understand,' he said.

She rolled her eyes. 'I did. I don't know how Mr. Wellers could think you're failing half of your classes. The only subject you're struggling with is Math and you're not even failing that,' she said.

Jake shrugged. You know this school prides itself on bringing forth the best. I guess they figured I'm falling below that,' he said.

Athena opened her mouth to say something but her phone rang in her pocket. 'Hold that thought,' she said and pulled out the ringing device in her jean pocket. She checked the caller ID and grumbled something under her breath. 'Hey Liz.' She said through a clenched jaw after she answered her phone. Jake's eyebrows shot up with interest. Athena took a few steps away from them. ‘Yeah, I can't wait.' Athena said dryly.

Jake looked at Kelly. 'Do they still despise each other?'

Kelly rolled her eyes. 'Is the sky blue? Those two have never gotten along, have they?' she asked.

Jake smirked. 'Never,' he answered and glanced at Athena. 'To make it worse, Liz's eighteenth birthday party is in two weeks. No doubt Liz is going to throw some overpriced party and make Athena miserable for the night.' 

Kelly shook her head. 'I wish there was something to shut up that big, fat mouth of hers. Kelly said, the frustration clear in her voice as she watched Athena's tense body language. Jake searched Athena's face as an idea struck.

'Me,' he said.

Kelly glanced up at him in confusion.'Pardon?' she asked.

He looked at Kelly. A grin appeared on his face. 'Liz could never form two proper sentences around me. Okay, I may not be the smoothest of guys but I know when a girl's into me. I didn't know then, but now I do.' He said.

Kelly smiled. 'It's hard to picture Liz speechless,' Kelly said.

Jake smirked. 'It's hard to picture Liz not,' he said.

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