Sometimes I just sit in the solitude of my own room and wish all the sadness away.
Then I pray for a better day, I mean what can I say today has been a great day.
So why am I so sad why am I dying inside, I don't know maybe it is just my sick mind.
Deciding to make me cry but I don't know why, everything is fine.
Well I mean outside of my mind.
Because inside my mind is telling me lies about my own life it is telling me maybe I should die.
Like a puppeteer pulling the strings of my emotions the name of this puppeteer is depression.
But this puppeteer can disappear and be replaced by many different puppeteers by many different names.
Alcohol he takes it all away and replace the sadness with a mindless game.
Xanax she takes away the sadness but along with your mind and in due time you'll be fine, with out a mind.
Marijuana he fills all your time with nothing but happy thoughts but don't you ever stop or those thoughts will stop.
LSD she will fill your brain with dopamine but it is all just for a little while until she is the only thing you can see.
So tell me which is your puppeteer is it LSD or maybe weed.
I don't know but it seems to me like they are all an ends to a mean.
So I decide that I am going to stay with D E P R E S S I O N.
Because with him I am at least a little free and with him that is the true me.