Hurts Like Hell

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Dean leaves to go talk to Roman and Seth. I'm stuck in the locker by myself changing when in walks Nikki and Brie.
"Ew" Nikki snarks.
"Nikki can you just shut the hell up sometimes!" I scream and she just rolls her eyes.
"What's wrong?" Brie asks me.
"I'm just tired." I say lying.
"Who slapped you?"
"Uh. No one. Why?" I stutter out.
"Who hit you AJ! I can see the red mark across your face!" She utters
"She probably deserved it!" Nikki whispers loudly.
"NIKKI!" Brie scolds her. I grab my bag and just walk out.
"AJ wait up!" Brie yells are me. She finally catches up by sprinting.
"For real who hit you."
"Paige!" I yell.
"Why?" She asks very confused. " I thought y'all were friends.?.?"
"She thinks I tried to steal Roman from her." I say coldly.
"You didn't did you?" She raises an eyebrow
"I would never do that, she was my best friend!"
"I'll talk to her." Before I could say no to her she's halfway down the hallway.
I get my hand wrapped at the trainer and I see Dean, Seth, and Roman down the hall. I go and stand by Dean grabbing onto his arm and leaning my head on him.
Dean isn't paying attention though he keeps staring past Seth's head.
"Dude," Roman snaps his finger in Dean's face. "What are you looking at?" As Dean comes back to reality.
"Oh nothing."
"Liar." Seth chuckles.
"Shut up Seth!"
"Jonathan what is it?" I ask. Dean looks down and I throw my puppy eyes at him.
"Oh no not those gorgeous puppy dog eyes."
I do them even more.
"Fine, it's just Dolph, I wanna punch him. He tried coming onto in the Girls locker room. He knows your with me!"
"Wait what?!" Roman chimps in.
"He tried to kiss AJ!" Dean gets furious.
"Dean, Aj, my office now." Shane says tapping me on the shoulder.
"Since you to have no storyline anymore, I have found one for you."
"Are you getting the shield back together?!" I ask excited.
"Even better," he pauses for dramatic affect. "A Love Triangle."
The smile across my face disappears. A love triangle... with who?
"Who exactly is it with?" Dean steals the words out of my mouth.
"Well I was thinking, Dolph Ziggler."
"Oh hell no!" I scream. Dean grabs my hand and looks at me.
"Well if you wanna be fired I can do that too."
"We'll do it." Dean says in a very monotoned voice.
"Oh and AJ since you won't be able to compete this week cause of your injury, you need to do a promo. Think of something good and bring it to me Monday." He winks and waves for us to leave.
"Dean...I can't." I say.
"I know, but it will only be a couple weeks. And we get to spend Wednesday through Monday together. We're only apart on night."
"You promise?" I ask
"Always gorgeous." He says putting his warm lips against mine.
Its the next morning and I wake up to Dean's snoring. I just lay there staring at him. He's so sweet and gentle. He has one arm around me holding me close. I feel if I breathe I'll wake him. I run my hand over his shirtless abs. They should make a storyline with Dean being shirtless all the time, but then I'd be ten times more jealous.
The alarm clock rings and brings me out of daydreams. Dean looks down at me, I try not to look like I was staring.
"Were you staring at me while I was sleeping?" He raises an eyebrow.
"NO?! What...?... yes."
"Your so cute." He says tackling me under him. I grab the pillow and shove it over my face.
"No I'm not... Stooppppppp!" I say.
"Why is someone blushing?" He says putting his head under the pillow with me.
"Oooo, she is." He chuckles
I drop the pillow.
"Get off me." I laugh as I push him off the bed on accident. He lays sprawled out on the ground.
"Help, someone help me, I can't get up!" He plays.
"Shut up." I say falling off the bed on top of him. We laugh and lay there. I trace his arm muscles with my finger. He keeps fidgeting.
"What are you ticklish?" I sit up.
"Don't you dare do it..." he leans his head up smiling.
"Okay..." I wait till he leans his head back down to the floor and I tickle him.
"Stop! AJ!" He's helpless as I tickle him. He finally can stop fidgeting enough to grab my face. He pulls it down to his face. His wet, warm lips give me chills.
Knock, Knock
"Lets go love birds! We're gonna be late!" I hear Seth coo.
"Lets go!" I tell Dean. He grabs our bags and I grab our pillows.
We throw them in the trunk of a chevy rental car.
"Where's Paige?" I ask Roman.
"She didn't wanna ride with us, so she picked a ride with Nikki and Brie."
Great my best friend won't even ride with me or let me explain anything.
"Let's just go." I say defeated and tired
"Gorgeous, she'll come around." Dean says laying his hand on my lower back.
The entire way there i think of how what i do ruins everyone's life. I ruined Dean's by bringing him into my mess with Daniel and now Ziggler. I ruined my best friend and Roman's because I pulled him into that stupid closet. I ruined my dad's by leaving and by being born. I ruin everything that's good in my life. I feel these big hot tears fill my eyes, they escape leaving mascara streaks on my cheeks.
Seth and Roman go ahead inside and I'm left with a sleepy headed Jonathan. He presses his head into my neck, sniffing my hair.
"Baby why are you crying?"
"Nothing, I'm fine" I lie.
"I know your lying." He says grabbing my face and making me look into his deep eyes.
"It's just... I'm ruining your life!" Dean's eyes fill with sadness.
"Why would you ever think that! My life has been absolutely fucking amazing with you in it! I wake up everyday to your gorgeous face and that fills me the most joy I've ever had! April Jeannette Mendez, I'm in love with you!"
My eyes begin to water even more.
"Oh no what I say wrong?!" He questions.
"Nothing. I just I love you Jonathan David Good!" I say grabbing alone of his back and pulling him into me.
"I love you much!" I whisper.
"I love you more." He whispers back.

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