Part 1

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It was a cold rainy day that evening in London, England. Most of the woman and men were rushing out of the streets and away from the rain. The children were getting pulled along or scolded by their mothers for trying to stay and play in the puddles or getting their clothes all dirty from the mud. Many of the people who lived in London always passed hastily by the small alley near St. James Palace. They would also pass the children who lived in that alley. But just because the people past them didn't mean they didn't see or know them. Yes the people knew very well of those children. Orphaned runaways, the people had called them "The Lost Boys". They were always mistreated on the streets. From the lack of nice clothes and no money most stores and restaurants would not let them in. So in the dark and damp alley sat 6 little boys in a small circle by a fire that's flame was almost out. They were cold and wet but despite where they were and how the weather was they were all laughing, telling tales and jokes among each other. The youngest of the six was four years old and his name was Joey he was sitting in Lilly's lap quietly listening to the conversations going on around him. Lilly was scolding at the twins for throwing rocks at Olly's book that he had found in a trash can nearby. Olly watched as Dominic picked his book up off the ground and then continued reading it. He was reading about bugs which he loved. Dominic was looking out into the alley his eyes wandering in another world. Folic and Fuly laughed as they pinched and poked at each other then they turned to Dominic and said "Aye, Dominic tell us about a mum again, what's she like, was she nice?" They looked at Lilly and grinned then Fuly said" hopefully she was nothing like Lilly" Folic chimed, "Not even a proper lady either mind you" they both started cracking up laughing. Lilly glared at them as Dominic started to speak. He talked about how it was like having his mother around growing up and about how she would buy him sweets and tuck him in bed. He also talked about how she always told him he would grow up to be an amazing and smart young man. He sighed "Mothers are suppose to care for you Fuly they are supposed to encourage you and make you feel happy and safe." Joey with a smile said "wow i want a mother, they seem so nice and loving." Dominic stood up and grabbed Joey by his collar " NO Joey you do not! Mothers are mean and cruel and will leave you as soon as they get bored and tired of you! you are better off here!" Everyone was quiet by now they were all looking at Dominic. He slowly let go of Joey who was now starting to silently cry. Dominic sat back down looking at the ground in guilt and anger. While Joey curled up closer to Lilly sobbing. They knew how the mother story ended, one day she went to the park with Dominic and told him to go play and he did but when he finished playing and came back to the bench where his mother was sitting she was gone. The fire had gone out and the children sat silently. Lilly rocked Joey in her lap comforting him and telling him softly and quietly that it was all right. Dominic got up and started heading up the ladder that was in the alley and slipped into the broken window of the empty apartment the children had decided to stay in for awhile. The twins followed in after him and so did Olly. All that was left was Joey and Lilly. Joey quietly got up from her lap and climbed up onto a box nearby and looked up at the sky towards the north star. He clasped his hands together and said "Please oh please let me have a mother and go far far away from this place. I want a home and I want Lilly to be there with me." He looked down and then slowly got off the box and went back to Lilly who was now standing. Lilly wrapped her arm around Joey and said "Don't worry today was not the greatest day but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same because it will be better." She smiled at him and then kissed the top of his head "Now come on there waiting for us and you need sleep Jojo." A nickname only Lilly gave him he smiled and they both went and followed the others and slept, awaiting for the day that will follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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