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Maddie pov:

The doorbell rang and I went to get it,

"Cameron!" I yelled when I opened the door

"Maddie!" Cameron yelled

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug

"I missed you so much" he whispered in my ear and giving me a kiss on the cheek

When we walked back to the table Shawn looked a little red,
I guess now is a good time to mention that Shawn and I have been doing stuff together, I haven't slept with him or anything but I have stayed at his house a few times.
my mum brought another chair to the table for Cameron to sit next to me.

"You must be starving!"

"Yeah, airplane food isn't all that great" He joked as he grabbed a plate.

After thanksgiving dinner it's our tradition to have a bonfire out on the beach and play soccer.

"I'll race you to the beach Jackson" One of my cousins Logan yelled and quickly ran out the door

"Hey! That's not fair!" Logan yelled and ran after Jackson

Everyone left and it was just Shawn, my mum and I

"You coming Maddie?" My mum asked

"Yeah I'll be right down I am going to change into some shorts."

After my mum left it was just Shawn and I

"So who is Cameron?" He asked sounding a bit mad

"He's just a friend Shawn chill"

He scoffed and started walking away

"Shawn, I didn't mean it like that." I said grabbing his arm

He turned around sassy "You're being such a kid right now Shawn" I tried not to laugh but I did

He laughed "Oh I'm the kid? Look who's 17"

"Hey!" I playfully slapped his arm, we walked up the stairs to my bedroom "I'm going to get changed" I said walking to the washroom to change

After I got dressed I went into my room and brushed my hair. After I brushed my hair I put some perfume and walked out of my washroom and put flip flops on

"Can we talk for a second?" He asked

"Shawn if this is about Cam-" I said but was interrupted

"It's not" He said "This might be a dumb question and be way to soon but um" He paused
"Go on." I told him
"Would you want to go to Canada and meet my family? I totally get it if it's too soon and you don't-" He said but I cut him off, wrapping my arms around him giving him a hug

"I'd love to! But when?" I asked slightly pulling away

"December 21-26th?" He said

"I'll be 18 by then" I smiled

"So is that a yes?" He asked

"Yeah" I said wrapping my arms around his neck, our breaths were heavy, he lightly pressed his lips against mine.

"Let's go?" I asked and he nodded

The walk to the beach was about 5 minuets. I wish I could just hold his hand all the way to the beach but I can't. There's silence between us, but it's comfortable silence, we arrived at the beach. Shawn and I went and sat by the fire, my uncles and Shawn all started talking about hockey and crap I didn't really care about. I focused over to where they were playing soccer

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