Precious Stones

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With a wide-arcing swing Jesse Anderson's dorm room door flew open, and through the frame stepped Jaden Yuki. The Slifer Red elite immediately threw up his fists, as if proclaiming his victory to the empty room.

"Man, that was one heck of a match. Did you see that duel, Jess?" The brunette asked, taking a few steps inside before turning back, coveting a reaction. Following on Jaden's heels was another boy, one with teal blue hair and bright green eyes. The newcomer stared at the child-like excitement in Jaden's eyes, and couldn't help but feel giddy, himself.

"Well, seein' as I was the one there cheerin' ya on, I do believe I did." Jesse said with a smile, closing the door behind him and tossing his Obelisk Blue jacket onto his bed frame. "You pulled the same trick on that boy that ya pulled on me in our very first match. That Air Neos card a' yours is really somethin' else, Jay."

Jesse stretched out his limbs and gave a content sigh. He lazily flopped onto his mattress with a bounce, laying on his side to watch Jaden pace around the room, recalling moves from his last match and throwing an occasional punch for emphasis as he did.

"That one move where he pulled Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys from his graveyard? That was so sweet! I've never even fought that card before!"

"Yup, he did away with your Neo Space and your back row with that one."

"Honestly, I didn't know if I'd be able to pull back from that. If I hadn't drawn Air Hummingbird when I did, I might have been done for."

"Nah, no chance. I believed you could do it. Heck, if there's one thing I've learned, Jay, it's that you always pull through."

Jesse shot a wink, and Jaden fumbled for a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Thanks, Jess. You know, when you're cheering me on, it really fills me with confidence." Jaden said, rolling Jesse's computer chair around and sitting on it backwards. "Well, I get filled with confidence whenever my friends cheer me on, too, but it's always been different with you, you know?"

"Well a' course, I'd sure hope your boyfriend cheering ya on would make ya feel more confident."

A devious smirk crossed Jesse's face as Jaden reddened to the shade of a tomato.

"Aww, that's downright adorable, you still blush every time I say that word!" Jesse said with a grin, now a mirror image of Jaden's former excitement.

"I-I totally do not!" Jaden fabricated, using one foot to spin the computer chair around and away from Jesse's gaze. "It must be these really hot Obelisk Blue dorms, Jess. I am just sweating up a storm, sheesh. You should talk to Crowler about getting some better air conditioning units."

His grin sliding back into a smirk, Jesse leapt from his bed like a pouncing tiger. He wrapped both arms around the Slifer boy from behind, effectively pinning him to the chair. Jesse laid his chin on Jaden's head.

"Don't lie to me, Jay, I know all your lil' tricks now." The blue-haired Obelisk cooed, his pearly teeth gleaming. "Besides, what's so wrong with bein' adorable? Ain't it my job to find ya adorable?"

Jaden's blush thickened to that of a ripe cherry. He dared not risk looking silly trying to struggle - Jesse was stronger than him, and they both knew it. Instead, the Slifer tilted his head until Jesse re-positioned his chin to Jaden's forehead. Gazing up at his captor, Jaden took a deep breath and then let loose a goofy smile.

"Jess...are you wearing that awesome deodorant I really like?"

"Jay, you-hey now, don't you go changin' the subject on me like you always do!"

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