Chapter Two: The Preparations

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Cosima POV

Holy watershed! Delphine's plane is about to land in one hour and our apartment is still a mess! I have Sarah and Felix clean the whole place up while Alison and Helena help make dinner for me and the girlfriend. I enlisted their help because I want to make something for Delphine and I want tonight to be special.

"Oi, Cosima! Stop pacing there. You're driving us all very dizzy," Felix says while fluffing the throw pillows on the couch. I walk towards the bookcase to rearrange the books. I need to be mobile otherwise I'd go crazy.

"What are you so nervous about anyway?" Sarah asks. She is vacuuming the carpet in the living room. If I'm not so nervous I would've laughed at both Sarah and Felix. They look so domestic cleaning our one-bedroom apartment. It's so unlike them. Especially Felix, since the lad doesn't know the concept of cleaning, as it is obvious in his--sometimes--pigsty called 'loft'.

"Yeah, you've been so awfully jumpy and fidgety since yesterday. What is up with you?" Alison chimes in from the open kitchen with Helena beside her. They are making Delphine's favorite pie. I can't help but snicker at Helena's getup. She's still wearing Alison's clothes, obvs. But what makes her look funny is the apron she's wearing. The apron's print is a cheeseburger with hands holding a knife and fork with a halo on top of its...cheeseburger head and it says, "I'm the kitchen angel and I love food!"

Needless to say, it suits her really well.

Helena notices what I am looking at and she looks down as well. Soon enough, we are both snickering while Alison, Sarah and Fee just give us weird looks while waiting patiently for my response to the questions I haven't answered yet.

When I sober up, I clear my throat. Maybe it's about time they find out why I have been acting strange lately. Only Scott know about it and it was by accident. Man, the dude is nosey!

"Okay okay. So I was gonna tell you guys later but I can't keep it a secret anymore. Not to you guys." So I start rambling about my relationship with Delphine and how we got through the hurdles thrown our way even though I am aware they already know the whole story.

I think, sometimes, they know a little more than intended that always leaves Sarah and Felix cringing and giving lewd remarks while Alison widening her eyes and shaking her head.

Hey, don't judge me! I get carried away easily.

"Ugh! Just get on with it already!" Felix exclaimed impatiently. My three sisters mumble something in agreement. Jeez. These people really want straight to the point.

I shift on my feet a few times but I can't hold it in much longer. "Okay so..." I reach into my pocket and found the thing I have been keeping close to me for the past few weeks and pull it out my pocket, showing it to them.

They all gasp in unison. Even Helena did. Alison and Fee being the loudest.

Of course..

On my hand is a diamond ring I've been saving up for almost a year now.

"Oh my god!"


"Holy fricking doodle!"

"Wow, sestra!"

Felix, Sarah, Alison and Helena can't help it. They all rush towards me to inspect the ring. They each give me a huge hug and muttering congratulations. And that's when the door opened..

"Wait. Am I, like, missing something here?" Our newest addition to the family asks while holding two bottles of champagne in her long, beautifully manicured fingertips while cradling a small paper bag filled with scented candles.

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