***Let Go***

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guess who's hella depressed?

MEEEEE ! :D So I'm gonna write a sad-ass chapter for yall. About some of the shit that goes through my head.

Your trigger warning is right here so if you don't see it and get cheesed at me about not warning you, you're a fucking idiot.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Do not read this chapter if you get heavily influenced by these oh so great actions ((heavy sarcasm)) that I shouldn't even be thinking about.⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️


You've lived with the Smith family for almost a year now. You tried your best to stay happy and push everything bad away from you but you just...you couldn't do it anymore. You couldn't push those horrible memories and those horrible thoughts away.

You've tried therapy.

Suggested coping mechanisms from your therapist.

Playing instrument(s) and softly singing to yourself along with them.

Doing things you loved to do.

Those things just didn't seem to be helping you anymore. You had one option you saved for last. Drinking.

But for the hell of it, you tried to avoid that. You wanted to try one last thing. You tried talking to Beth, Summer, and Morty. Of course not Jerry. But definitely not Rick. He doesn't really know that you're depressed but you can't bring yourself to actually open up your mind to him. You didn't know if Rick would: 1. take you seriously, 2. yell at you, 3. actually try to help you. So you just took him off the drawing board.

You've been in your room for nearly a week now. You didn't bother on going to school. The only times you left was to refill the water bottle you kept in there, to grab a small snack, or use the restroom. You don't remember the last time you ate a full meal. Beth and Morty tried consulting you to come out of your room. They tried making your favorite food, offering to go to your favorite places, all the things that will make you happy. But you stayed put.

There's something that would put a little smile on your face. Sometimes Morty would knock on your door. You'd know it was him because of how gently he would knock. You would let him in almost every time.

You'd be laying in your bed, as always, buried under your covers and your head resting on your tear stained pillow. When Morty came in, you would scoot over on the bed so he could lay down with you, and when he did, he would tell you stories. He'd tell you the stories of the adventures he had with Rick before the family took you in. Morty would also re-tell the stories of your favorite adventures with him and Rick. Morty would make you smile and laugh until you fell asleep right next to him. That way he knew you'd be okay.

Morty's POV

I gently closed (Y/n)'s door with tears filling up my eyes. "C-cmon, Morty! You--you need to be strong. Don't be such a wuss.." I mumbled to myself sliding down the door. "D-d-don't..be..." I broke. The tears--I couldn't stop them from falling. (Y/n) is dying in there and I can't do anything to help her! I don't know what would happen in this house if (Y/n) were to disappear and never come back. All the memories that we've made together, I can't just forget them! I can't forget (Y/n)! I'm not going to let her die in here.

I walked to my room and laid in bed rethinking how my night with (Y/n) went. Whenever I looked at her, it broke my heart in two. Her bright (e/c) eyes that I used to know looked so lifeless. She was so weak that she could barely move or talk. (Y/n) said something to me after I told her the story of how Rick and I raided an alien ship and nearly got killed. What she said made my gut turn. Her voice, barely sounding like her own, she told me, "You realize I'm willing to put my life on the line for you, right? For you and for the rest of your family." I didn't really know what to say after that. I just hugged (Y/n) for awhile and told her to get some rest.

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