143 11 11

Harry: I'm gay

Antis: aw he's so happy with Camille I mean gay means happy he obviously didn't mean he wasn't straight !!!

Harry: I like guys

Antis: aw he has such a strong friendship with his band mates !!!

Harry: I'm literally married to Louis

Antis: aw he's finna be friends with Louis forever !!1!

Harry: vaginas are fucking terrifying

Antis: he has such respect for wOmen !!!1!1

Harry: I eat dick for breakfast

Antis: he's mainTaining healthy eating by eating breakfast every morning I'm sO proud !!1!2!

Harry: *literally making out with louis*

Antis: omG they're whisPering in eAch othErs ears !!!1!!!1!1!3

Harry: *larry sex tape leaked*

Antis: thEy sTiLl hAng OuT aFtEr tHe bReaK tHat's aDoRabLe !!!1!!1!2

Harry: *larry marriage video leaked*

Antis: cOUrTESY OF mODEST! MAnAGEmENT 2!1!11!!1!1!1!!!14

Anti was defeated.


Sorry it's 2 am what the fuck was this

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