Chapter 1

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I’m on my way to the band room to practice with Brian, just like we do every Thursday and Friday. I just left my last morning class so we could have a little more time to practice. Hopefully he’s not waiting for me. I hurry and open the door to the hallway before the band room. I drop my bag off in the hall, not really wanting to bring it inside like I usually do, and grab my music and drum sticks from inside. I told my friends to stay and eat in the cafeteria. I hope they don’t barge in and embarrass me like last time. All because I like Brian doesn’t mean you have to come in and interrupt our practicing. I mean I don’t really know if he likes me or not… so there’s no reason to go around yelling it to the world. Okay, okay I guess I do think he likes me but I don’t honestly know. I really hope he does. I mean he has helped me practice by wrapping his arms around me from behind while holding my hands, with drum sticks, and making them tap the snare drum on beat…his hands were so warm and soft……I shake my head violently to wake myself from my daydream.

'Gosh I really need to get in the band room, Brian’s probably wondering where I am.' I rush the rest of the way down the empty hallway to the band room door. I open the door, looking up to see Brian already waiting for me by the drum kit. We’re practicing a new song we got yesterday that Brian practically mastered in an hour. Now he’s got to help me learn it. As soon as I take a step in the room Brian’s deep dark brown eyes shift to mine. He smiles at me making his dimples show. I smile back and walk to the back of the room where he’s sitting.

“Hey Brian, you’re gonna help me with the new song, the one you mastered it in an hour. Right? I still have no idea how you could have learn't it in so little time,” I chant, pulling over a chair so I can sit close to him.

“Really Ashly? You’re still wondering about that? Well don’t blame me for practicing hard for something like this,” He teases.  

“I’m just curious that’s all. Plus it wasn’t fair ‘cause you practiced for all of the lunch hour while I had to sit and watch,” I say, grinning at him.

“Well I thought that you liked watching me play…” He trails off, turning his eyes back to his music.

“I do…, but I like to practice too ya know,” I say, teasing him a bit, causing him to blush. I’m already blushing; I always have a red face and a goofy smile on when I’m around him.

“Well then maybe we could practice together?” He asks, looking deep into my light blue eyes. My heart starts to race.

“How would we do that?” I ask, with a questioning look across my face. ‘Practice…together? Would that mean we would have to…get…close..?’

“Well I could stay here,” He says pointing to the spiny chair he’s sitting on, “so then I can play the bass drum, with my foot of course, and hold the hi-hat petal down. While you sit on my lap, so you can play the hi-hat and the snare drum.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” I laugh and hide away my probably extremely red face.

Brian taps his lap, motioning me to sit down. I get up and walk towards him. When I’m in his reach he grabs my arm, pulling me down onto his lap. I laugh and put my music down on the ground because we’re using Brian’s today.


“How about we practice bar 28, right before the solos start,” I suggest.

“Sounds like a good plan,” He agrees, “That is the part you had troubles with yesterday and I didn’t.”

“Hey!” I spit, “Just because you had no trouble mastering it doesn’t mean you get to rub it in my face.”

“Sorry,” He laughs, “Let’s just practice okay?”

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