Dystopian Roleplay

275 5 29

Impartial, Intelligent, Incomparable:

Words chanted before you ate, before you slept, before you lived. Waves crashed on the sand, and overloads of work crashed before you. This was life, or art, or logic. This was how the day would progress.

These were the islands of Hawaii, or the nation of Moe'uhane Haumana, the leaders, random, the learners, all. This was no choice, all control, and the ones who controlled you may next be you. This was revolution, shaking the foundation.


Welcome to the Dystopian RP of Moe’uhane Haumana. There be revolution afoot, that isn’t bloody or violent. You see, MOST REVOLUTIONS AREN’T LIKE THAT. The best way to upheave a government is from the inside, after all.

Basic Rules:

-You can be mean to characters, but not to roleplayers. 

-Use double parentheses to speak OOC ((Like this, but I’m pretty sure most people already know this)). 

-F*cking star out the vowels of cuss words, if you swear. 

-Let’s keep this PG-13, you can do whatever you want with your characters in PMs. 

-RP Third person, present tense. 

-If you leave, please warn someone in ((those handy-dandy double parentheses)). 

-Try to use correct grammar and spelling, or risk the wrath of the Grammar Gods. 

-You can start a new chain if the old one’s too crowded. 

-By the way, use comment chains. 

-No Godmodding. 

-This account is the mod, as well as @BlissfulNinja and @Elise_Navidad. 

-You can have two characters, if you want more, file a request, and let @SS_Squad be the judge of that. 

-Have fun, having fun is fun!

RP specific rules:

-We have slurs for this society, as they are different than whatever ones you are used to like Mind-Dump, and Motor. 

-Idiot and it’s synonyms are pretty large slurs. 

-No weapons, this is an intelligence based society. 

-Only art OR life OR logic, creatives can be from any category. 

-No magic, but there is science. 

-This is a modern day AU of Hawaii where intelligence is incredibly prized, be REALISTIC. 

-The ports are open, there can be immigrants.



Age: ((12+)) 




Art, Life, or Logic?

Government official? ((Yes or no, as government officials are selected randomly. If you would like the chance to be one, give a yes.))


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