Chapter 1

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*Warning this book is nothing but angst*
Sorry but I couldn't not see a edgy reader in this. If you don't think you can handle it you can just skip it

You wanted to puke. You've wanted to just throw up your opinion at Kamoshida, do anything to convince him to stop hitting Mishima. Yet all you really did was bite your tongue forcing desires back.

'All my out burst would do is make my beating worse'

You told yourself this over and over, you knew everyone else did too, as you try to keep your anxious movements to an unnoticeable minimum. After Mishima he moved on to hurt another boy who was focusing more on practicing then seeing his show. When you knew his attention was elsewhere you moved swiftly over to check on him.

"Oh my God, that's gonna leave a few bruises... you're bleeding."

"It's fine it's just a scratch..."

He said giving you a his best forced smiled. It was just a scratch, you knew he wouldn't die from it, but watching the cut bleed down his face felt like a punch to the gut.

'This is my fault​... I let this happen..'

You held his cheeks brushing it with your thumb comfortingly before reaching for your bag. You had Band-Aids in you bag but ran out of wet wipes to clean his forehead. Even though he protests you leave to get wet paper towels.

You walk through the empty halls wishing for practice to just end so you could go home. You find the bathroom soon enough grab a handful and start the water. As you focus on the towels you here a knock at the door to the bathroom. You look up and freeze. Feeling the life drain from you as you see Kamoshida at the bathroom door staring smugly at you. You look back down a pray to any and every god listening to help you, to save you, as he steps in.

"(Y/N) darling, you forgot to ask for a pass"

He said sliding his hand across the tile walls before resting across the sink over to you. There's a tense silence, you know he wants you to say something but you can't form any words. He pulls you over to his side one arm holding you securely, while the other lightly roaming up your skirt.

"Are you trying to ignore me darling?"

You swallowed hard, knowing full well that even through his tone was sweet he was ten seconds from slamming you into the sink.

"P-please forgive me sir... I'm a bit..."

' terrified of you'


He raised an eyebrow and gave a far more crooked grin.

" If something is bothering you than maybe you should come by my office after practice." 

His hand moved up and loosened your uniform buttons pulling your shirt up. Yanking your head up he makes me stare into the mirror seeing, the pathetic look on your face, his disgusting perverted smile and the big discolored mark he left the last time you two were alone.

"Of course if your feeling are urgent than maybe we should discuss it now"

He lowers his secured hand to your thighs and slowly rubs his way up, causing your breath to quickin. You hated this. You hated this, you hated him so much, but you mostly hated yourself.

For a moment you flashed back to the day you first met him. You remember thinking how nice he seemed. Originally you hoped to join the school track team, but they were disbanded- for reasons you now understand- and you reluctantly became a volleyball player because of his praise, and you wanted to get closer to Mishima. Now you're this mans disgusting play thing. You began to hear foot steps down the hall as an older sounding man complains about a kid coming to ruin the schools good name after getting kicked out of another.

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