The Elite

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This is dedicated to the most pushy, innocent, demanding, the one and only girl jesus, Frankie. If it wasn't for you, and your comments i wouldn't have written this so thanks.



"Beep Beep Beep" The Swarovski crystal alarm clock signaled it was six-thirty A.M. A tiny little creamy hand shot out and threw it against the wall nearly nicking the maid, standing but two feet away. The maid held a hand to her heart, then re-gaining composure started with the impossible task of waking the girl still in bed. 

"Ma'am" The maid was careful not to touch Miss. Deveraux after all, the maid feared for her life. "Ma'am" She tried again, another futile attempt at waking up the slumber induced heiress.  

"Mm" The girl made a slight noise, causing the maid to jump back five feet in alarm and precaution.  

She stumbled back into what seemed like a wall, she turned around to be met with light blue eyes, framed by almost feminine-like lashes. A full mouth curving up into a mischievous smile, he brought one hand up, his wrist adorned by a diamond encrusted watch, he held a finger to his lips and made a "shh" noise. The maid stepped back and held her breath. 

"Mr. Ridgeway she came in only this morning she's yet to sleep." The mischievous man turned around his school uniform highlighting the planes of his lithe body, he tugged on his tie loosening it and giving the maid a smirk.  

"Well that just makes it all the more fun wouldn't you agree?" His voice was cajoling, smooth, the charm evident in his very smile. The maid nodded dumbstruck, as she always was around "The Elite." The man took two steps back bent his knees and jumped backwards right on top of the sleeping girl, with a manic smile on his face. 

"GAHH SEAN YOU BASTARD!" The girl awoke a strangled scream leaving her plump lips. Sean started to bounce up and down, his deep laugh reverberating throughout the room.  

"Get off, Get off, GET OFF" Her breathing labored as she tried bucking him off. "Your butt is CRUSHING me" She screamed. He continued to laugh he waited till she was going to move again, timing it. She pushed with all her might just as Sean got off. Resulting in her landing in a heap on the floor. 

Three more boys entered the room clutching their stomachs as they laughed and laughed. Sean was doubled over, the girl was on the floor a dazed look in her saucer sized blue eyes. Upon realizing what happened a scowl marred her otherwise delicate features. 

She whipped back her wild black mane, standing up with as much grace as she could muster, which wasn't much considering her legs got tangled in the sheets and she landed in a heap once again. The boys were now rolling around on the marble floors mirth noticeable in their eyes. Sean's face was now red, with laughter. 

The girl with the blue eyes and wild black mane tumbling down her back stood up and stomped her five foot six inch frame over to an unsuspecting Sean and kneed him in the groin with a dignified "humph" turned and plopped back onto the bed. 

Sean fell to the ground, this time with pain whilst cupping his crotch. "Uncalled for Ally" he managed to breathe out. 

She didn't even open her eyes, but did reply "I'm Alexandria Deveraux expect the unexpected" With her eyes closed she smiled arrogantly.  

One of the boys stood up, wiping tears of laughter away from his sky blue, almond shaped eyes a smirk being the dominant feature on his face, he ran a hand through his dark brown almost black hair. "Get off your high horse Ally, we have school, as much as I'd like to ditch we've got visitors remember." He said in an even, yet bored tone. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2012 ⏰

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