First Verse

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okay guys here's something i've been meaning to upload to internet from quit a long time..

i am really inspired by youtube..

it single handedly gave power to a normal person like you or me to express ourselves in front of the whole internet and hence explaining the motto for itself "broadcast yourself"

it have literally made achieving fame comparatively easier than before..

i mean seriously right now youtubers are insanely popular , some of them are even more popular than the movie actors and ofcourse the money.. its shit tone..

in india after the outburst of jio..internet is easily accessible to everybody which have increased the number of followers for the youtubers, bloggers, viners(yeah, i know its dead) ..etc

but still putting up a youtube channel and uploading a video and expecting to get popular is not easy..

there are certain tricks and methods which can be used in today's internet to become viral..but ofcourse the content obviously if your content itself is highly creative.. you will definitely eventually be a successfull on this platform

the inceresing number of youtube channels and crazy fan following is pretty overwelhming and at one point it might make ypou wonder.."why the hell m i busting my ass studying this much..when i can just grab my phone and do some crazy shit in front of it and upload it on youtube(yeah, its the style of BB) and get popular earn money get famous nd all..

well obviously the truth is that it is not so easy bro...

i'll give you an example and explain..

consider BB( ;) )

the guy is fkin huge in india right now...

most subscribed person on youtube india..surpassed TVF, AIB

and i personally hate is content.. its just not funny guys...ofcourse his content seemed good to a loooottt of people which made him crazy popular.. although his popularity is not actually the result of his content only. there's a lot of stuff that goes behind.

1.) First of all, he curses a shit lot in his video which everybody finds funny

2.) his videos are relatable to normal people yougsters

3.) obviously the jio factor

4.) constant collabs with other channels to gain there subs..

his channel just popped at the perfect timings when youtube was rising in india and his type of content was lacking from indian youtube

although in starting days it must have been a lot of hard work and stress for him.. and i persolly belive that if you can overcome that time period then...

just wait and watch your channel to be recognized and appreciated around the world..

Determination plays and important role in this industry it takes a lot of time in the transition into "a famous rich stud youtuber" from a "kid wasting his time shooting his stupid videos which are not even funny"

you gotta own your content , feel proud of it ,share it everywhere and make other people too

but of course in starting days

1.) you dont have enough time

2.) you dont have enough mmoney

3.) you dont have good content

4.) you dont have proper equipments

these factors results in some shitty video afterall which you feel ashamed of sharing and owning it. its true it happens to a every self made youtuber form scratch(not talking about guys who were already popular(viners) or had enough money to hire a production team)

just check out first video of big youtubers like smosh,nigahiga,superwoman etc

they were all stupid hehe

but they did'nt stopped they owned thier content and shared it.. and kept making videos until they were popular as shit

but ofcourse their time and our time is different now..we cant start with videos with poor content and cheap production value or else will be lost in this crazy youtube storm where great content is being made every day and your videos will never be watched

but i think same applies for us also as did for these popular doesn't matter when you start your channel, you should be determined...

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