Second Verse

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The king of YouTube "Pewdiepie" is a gamer..

gaming was considered just a hobby of introvert nerds...

but he changed this belief and became the most popular and the most richest person on internet gaining over 55 mils subs as of july 17.......just by playing games

youtube is filled with comic and factual stuff among them how pwediepie managed to beat em all , there are a lot of factors behind success of pewdiepie actually

1.) he is actually somewhat funny,yeah i know m stating the obvious

2.) he was one of the original youtuber(not really he started in 2010 but still for us as compared to 2017)

3.) he started his channel in sweden which gave him viewers from sweden(youtube algo works in the way that the vids are usualy more approachable in the same country) then he moved to itlay which gave him viewers from itlay and then to uk which gave him viewers from uk and ofcourse he speaks english which attracts audience from us also..

4.) his videos were long therefore getting more watch time and hence resulting in promotion by youtube continously(i'll explain how youtube algo works later)

other gamers such as vannossganming, markiplier, jacksepticeye,h20delerious are all popular bcoz of some of those above stated yout

The truth is that it all comes down to YouTube algorithm, if you understood it and managed to use it in own interest you might become popular for instance take example of the paul brothers,ricegum etc(i'll explain later)

2012-14 was era of pewdiepie as he came to fame and became the king.. but now in 2016-17 his views are going down... most certainly because this age of millennials have changed their taste.

The YouTube is hijacked... enter the VINERS..!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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