The sea

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Pulled in

Aphmau and I jumps in the clear sea. We pick up the tiny shells from the sand we got out to put some in our beach bags.

Aphmau then looked down to look for more and splashes me. I splash back and she goes under.

"Kawa--~Ch-- help!" Aphmau says getting pulled into the deep. I tug her and try and pull her up. Then I feel a tug on my leg, and I fall in with Aphmau. We try to swim away, but Aphmau can't so I held her hand.

We looked at who was pulling us and it was a Light Brown haired guy with red eyes and a white haired girl with purple eyes. Also a guy bossing them around had Really Dark Brown hair and blue eyes. They were a trio. Then after I couldn't breath everything went black.

Once I woke up I was in a room with seaweed around the walls. I see the little trio group starring at me. I see tails... wait TAILS!! MERMAIDS I THOUGHT THEY WERE A FAIRYTALE! I start to breath and then I looked down.

A Little White Lie! (Zane~Chan, Aarmau)Where stories live. Discover now