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Your pov

"Will you go out with me?" Namjoon asks.

I didn't even give it a second thought.

"Of course." I say and he hugs me tighter.

When he pulls back I lay down on the pillow beside him.

"Now, let's cuddle." I say and he chuckles and lays down beside me.

I couldn't actually believe this had happened.

I never imaged we'd be dating but look at us now.

From here on out the main goal was to not be found out by the guys.

Until then, we hide in secret but in a way, it sounded thrilling.

I liked it.

I shake the thought and wrap my arm around Namjoon's waist and readjust my head on his chest.

Then, we fall asleep cuddled together.

When I wake up the next morning I notice that Namjoon is still sound asleep and he's even cuddling a Ryan plushie in his other arm.

"Looks like I have competition." I joke and I guess he's actually awake because he responded.

"Never. You'd win over Ryan any day." he says.

"Oh, you're awake." I say as I turn on my side so that we're face to face.

"Yeah. How did you sleep?" He asks as he pushes back a strand of my hair.

"I slept good." I say and he smiles.

"That's good."

"Let's go make food. I'm hungry." I say as I pop up.

I hear him laugh from behind me as I run out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

As I'm pulling out the stuff arms wrap around my waist and a head rests in my neck.

"I never realized how badly I wanted to do that until now." He says and I smile instantly as I move my head to look at him.

"Gosh why have we been denying this for so long? The guys were right, we're perfect for each other." I grin and Namjoon laughs and smiles.

"Of course we are." He says and I smile and peck his cheek before turning over in his arms so we're face to face.

"You're so pretty." He says and I feel myself blush.

"The cutest." He says, squishing my cheeks and leaning close to my face.

He quickly pecks my lips and I blush as he pulls back.

"Adorable." He says as he begins to pull out the stuff to cook.

Man I really like him.


The rest of the day goes by super quickly and before we know it tomorrow is the day everyone is coming back meaning I wouldn't be able to sleep in Namjoon's room tonight.

"I'll be lonely." I whine as I squeeze the Kakao plushie Namjoon had bought for me.

"I have an idea." He says and grabs his cologne and I instantly knew what he was going to do.

I hand him the plushie and he sprays it with his cologne.

"Now, just cuddle it and it's like you're cuddling me." He says and I push the plushie out at arm's length and boop it's nose.

"Plushie Oppa!" I say in a cute voice and I see Namjoon look at me with a frown.

"Don't call the toy Oppa. You have to call me Oppa only." He pouts and I laugh and walk over to him.

"Of course, Oppa." I say and he smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"You should get to sleep, alright. I'll see you tomorrow. We have to act as if nothing changed." He says and I nod.

"Yeah, I got it. Goodnight Joonie." I frown as I stand in his arms and he studied my face.

"Goodnight cutie." He says as he kisses my forehead then my lips softly and slowly.

When he pulls back I grab my plushie and head for the door.

I look at him one last time and smile.

He's just so pretty.

I head to my room and lay down on my bed and pull the stuffed toy up to my chest.

Gosh I miss him already.

Is this what they call puppy love?

Where you're not fully in love but you guys act like you are?

I sigh and cuddle the plushie as I slowly fall asleep.

The hard part starts tomorrow.

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