Chapter 21

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Our finals were done and today was the O.W.L.  Kids weren't looking forward to them because it kinda stank. But Umbridge was asking if we could supervise from the back. We said yes because we were the only teachers without classes or finals. We entered and saw the usual tables pushed up against the walls with a whole lot of desks instead. She used ours as well as some from her class. Students began filing in and took their required seats. The rest was passed out as well as special quills so they couldn't cheat. They began and I walked over to Annabeth.

" What good are we here?" I whispered.

She shrugged. " Dunno. Nothing to do but watch kids take tests. Now I know what teachers feel during regents at our schools. " she whispers back.

I walk over to my side and about halfway through we heard a bang. She looked at us with a 'go see what that was' glare. We exited and saw the Weasley twins picking up some things.

" What're you two doing?" I ask.

" Oh.. pulling a prank so everyone can get out of the tests?" Fred says.

" It's for Umbridge. It's what she deserves." George quickly adds.

" Do it quickly I'm bored!" I exclaim.

" Percy!" She hisses jabbing me in the ribs.

" Ouch." I groan rubbing my ribs.

She smirked. " Do what you want." She says.

" 25 points to Gryffindor each because I said so!" I exclaim.

We walked away and looked puzzled at Umbridge. She began walking towards us when they burst in on brooms. The tests went flying and they were setting off fireworks throwing various things we didn't understand. We were amazed by the sight and disguised ourselves as students as they flew a big firework that turned out to be a Chinese dragon chasing down Umbridge we watch as it exploded causing all her decrees to come crashing down and her pink dress was now covered in black dust. She shrieked and we followed them outside and watch their logo come up. Suddenly I saw a student collapse so I weaved over. It was Harry.

" Harry what's wrong?" Hermione asks.

" They have Sirius." Was all he said.

" They? Who's they?" I ask.

" Voldemort. " he breaths.

They run out including Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Ginny. I was super confused but they had understood. I manuvered around to Annabeth.

" The Trio Nevill Luna and Ginny are gone. Harry claims Voldemort got Sirius." I explain.

She gasps and we dash inside to find them. 

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