Chapter 4

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It's time.
I'm dreading this test.
Please don't be positive.
I can't have a child.
I peed on the pregnancy test and held it in my hand, waiting for the results.
It took a painfully long time.
Every second ticked by slower than the last.
'Positive - 3 weeks." It said and I began crying.
I was pregnant.
I had a fucking human being growing inside of me and no one to help me.
I rung Hayley straight away.
As soon as she answered I began sobbing down the phone.
"Faye? What's happened hun?" she asked as I cried down the line. I took in a deep breath before preparing myself to tell her.
"I'm pregnant." I said, tears came flooding down my cheeks once again.
"Who... What? I'll be right round." she said before hanging up.
I sat on my sofa with the test in front of me. Double checking it said what I read. I hoped it would change when I looked at it but it didn't.
Hayley pressed the buzzer and I buzzed her in. I heard her heels clicking down the hallway and I opened the door to let her in.
"What's happened!?" she asked, pulling me in for a hug, her strong perfume comforting my nostrils.
"Who's baby is it?" she asked and I began crying again.
"Oh god." she began. "It's not Ashley is it?" she asked and I gasped.
"No! God no!" I exclaimed and she raised an eyebrow, looking for answers.
"Luke. It's Luke's." I said and she gasped.
"Mr Friend?" she asked and I nodded.
She looked so confused so I explained the whole situation.
"What do I do?" I cried helplessly. Hayley was a really good advice giver but she looked baffled.
"I don't know... Have you considered an abortion?" she asked and I shook my head.
"I can't kill my baby." I cried.
"Are you going to keep it then?" she asked.
"I'm going to have to. I can't abort it. It will haunt me forever." I said and she nodded.
"In the mean time, ill be having a chat with mr friend." she said.
"I need to tell him myself." I said and she nodded.
That's exactly what I'm going to do.
I got changed into leggings and a band t shirt before pulling on some converses and tying my hair in a scrape back. I looked about 15 but I didn't care one bit.
Hayley left to go back to work and I grabbed my keys and the positive pregnancy test before leaving to go to Luke's.
I drove there quickly and tried not to cry as I reached the buzzers. I pressed his flat buzzer and he let me in. I ran through the narrow stairway and climbed up the stairs before going into Luke's flat.
"Oh my god." he said as soon as he saw my face. I began crying again.
"You're not are you?" he asked and I nodded, pulling the test out of my pocket.
"Fuck!" he shouted, running his fingers through his hair.
"What are we gonna do?" he asked and I shrugged.
"We can't have a fucking kid! You're my boss, we aren't even together, this is so fucked up, what have we done." he went on.
"Will you shut up!" I screamed. He instantly went quiet before calming himself down.
"What are we going to do?" he asked and I huffed.
"I don't fucking know Luke. Im just as surprised as you are. I don't want a fucking kid! A kid is the last thing I want at the moment." I shouted and he nodded.
"You have to get rid of it." he stressed, walking around his flat aimlessly.
"I can't Luke I can't! I can't live the rest of my life knowing that I've killed my first child it will fucking haunt me until the day I die! I have to keep it, there's no other way." I yelled but he shook his head.
"You can't keep it. Where would it go when we are at work? How are we... you going to get the money to buy its clothes and food and cot and nappies and all the shit it needs!? This can't be fucking happening. I need to wake up from this sick fucked up dream now." he said, tugging his dreadlocks.
"I'm fucking keeping it wether you are prepared to help me or not! I will find a way I can't get rid of my first child!" I began screaming. "Faye!" he shouted but I carried on ranting "It is fucking happening Luke and its worse for me! I'm the one that has a child growing inside of them. I'm the one that's going to put up with morning sickness and hormones and all the shit you go through whilst being pregnant so don't you dare act like you're all hard done by!" I carried on.
"Faye!" he screamed.
"What?!" I replied just as loud as he did. The colour had vanished from his face and I looked down to see a pool of blood collecting on the floor.
I began to feel light headed and Luke carried me and laid me on the sofa while he rung the ambulance.
"Yeah, she is breathing but I don't know if she's conscious." he panicked. I tried to tell him I was okay but I couldn't, the words wouldn't come out. I was being sucked deeper and deeper into a black hole before I was completely out of it.
That's all I saw.
I didn't feel the paramedics taking me into hospital but when I woke up that's where I was.
I was laying in a plain white room with a drip attached to my finger, dressed in a hospital gown.
"She's conscious!" a lady shouted.
Luke walked in and sat on the chair beside the bed.
"My baby." I whispered, rubbing my stomach.
"What's happened to my baby?" I asked frantically.
"The doctor will be in shortly to let you know." the nurse said.
I winced in pain as I attempted to move into a comfier position. I had a stabbing pain in the side of my stomach.
The doctor walked in along with my adopted mum behind him.
"We have some bad news." the doctor said solemnly. I couldn't help the tears that fell down my face frantically. I sobbed into my hands.
"I'm afraid you've lost your baby." the doctor said.
I couldn't breathe.
I began crying and gasping.
My poor baby.
I didn't know it, it was only the size of a quarter of a jelly bean but It was a baby. It was my baby. It could have grown up to be an athlete or lawyer but it died before it had properly lived.
A tear rolled down Luke's cheek and I attempted to sleep to get rid of the pain and grief taking over my fragile body.
"How dare you have unprotected sex with her!" my adopted mum shouted at Luke.
"I'm sorry, I forgot the condom." he replied and she huffed.
"Is she your girlfriend?" she asked nosily.
"No but hopefully she will be one day if she forgives me for getting us into this mess." He replied quietly. They both thought I was asleep.
I couldn't sleep.
I had so much on my mind. I had just lost my baby. I've decided a lot of people go through this and it happens for a reason.
My baby wasn't in pain when it died, according to the doctor which makes me feel very relived.
I stirred and yelped as I shifted uncomfortably. Luke jumped straight up.
"Are you okay?" He asked and I sucked in a sharp breath.
"Shall we get the doctor?" He replied and I shook my head.
"Ill be fine." I replied.
"You need to be checked Faye, you've been through enough recently." he said, brushing the hair off my forehead softly.
Since when was Luke gentle?
I shivered at the gesture and he got the doctor in.
"The sharp pain is caused by the miscarriage, it will slowly begin to stop and we can assign you some tablets if its too much for you." the doctor said and I nodded.
The one word I had always dreaded hearing.
"Thankyou." I said tiredly.
I slept again and I woke up to just Luke sat in there. It was 4am and dark circles had appeared around his eyes. He hasn't slept to make sure I'm okay.
I moved and he rubbed his eyes.
"I still can't fucking believe this is happening." he groaned.
"I'm not being funny but I'm the one that lost three pints of blood and my baby, the one who is in excruciating pain physically and mentally and you're moaning about how this happened? Yeah it happened because some twat forgot to put on a condom." I spat.
"Well it was my baby too and I'm the one that's been awake watching you for 15 hours!" he shouted back.
"And you're also the one that's complaining! I'm not complaining even though I'm going to feel this guilt for at least five more years." I shouted back.
"Oh please Faye give me a fucking break." He replied, making my blood boil.
"Please give me a fucking break and get out!" I replied.
"All I've done is help you today and you throw it in my face." He shouted, making me laugh.
"Yeah because you aren't the one that got me fucking pregnant in the first place, don't act like you're all innocent." I hissed before turning over and going back to sleep.
I honestly don't know how Luke could be so one sided about this situation.
He doesn't care for anyone except himself and I guarantee if that baby would have lived he would have made no effort whatsoever with it.

(I might do a double update today, vote if you like that idea!💕)

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