The School Player VS ME - SAMPLE CHAPTER

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Ok so this is just the first chapter of my story "The School Player VS ME" that you can find on my other profile 'LittleMissCrazy96' 

This is for my university assignment :) Please leave a comment about what you think of this chapter!

If you would like to read the rest of my story here is the link: 

Hope you enjoy :)


Chapter one:

I groan. I don't want to go to school. I snuggle back into bed. Five minutes won't hurt anyone.

My eardrums exploded from the sound of a squeaky whistle that is being blown in my right ear. I know who is responsible without even opening my eyes.

"ZAC!" I scream while jumping out of my bed and chasing him down the hall. I can hear him laughing like this is a joke. Who am I kidding! Zac thinks everything is a joke. I just wish his parents didn't work over seas. That way he would be out of my life. He could live with his OWN parents and blow whistles in THEIR ears. NOT mine! His parents never even come to visit. I mean Zac hasnt seen his parents since he was 9 years old. His parents just decided to dump him into our family and leave to god knows where! But my mum doesnt mind because Zac's dad and my dad have been best friends since college. My mum tells me to think of him as a brother. Yeah, like that's ever going to happen!

Not only does he live in my house, he also goes to the same high school as me AND we are both in the same grade AND in ALL the same classes! He is constantly in my life. He annoys me 24/7 and is always playing pranks on me. Even during the night!

I remember one time he convinced me to watch a horror movie with him. BIG MISTAKE! I am terrified of scary movies and after watching it, I could not sleep. Zac thought it was funny to dress up as a demon carrying an axe and sneak into my room. I screamed bloody murder when I saw him dressed like that. He apologized but then cracked up laughing and constantly said; "You should have seen your face. It was hilarious!"

My mum always says; Life's a bowl of joy. Well, I say, or rather I dream; Life's a bucket of joy. Without Zac in it. Sigh...........if only dreams came true.

"I'M GONNA GET U BACK! U CANT HIDE ALL DAY! WE LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE AND WE HAVE TO LEAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL IN 30 MINUTES!" I yell at his bedroom door. I bang on it. No answer. I bang on it again. No answer. This time I try the handle and the door flies open. My eyes widen in shock. Zac is standing there with only jeans on. I scream.


"You're the one who opened the door and I am wearing clothes. What happened to knocking." He says, sounding amused with my expression and not at all angry. This made my blood boil. I will do anything to see Zac angry or upset. I have only ever once see him upset and angry once and that was when we were both 6 and I stole his batman toy. He cried until I gave it back. After that he would not stop pulling my hair.

"FYI, I did knock! And just wearing jeans does not count as being fully clothed." I shot back.

"Actually you banged the door. There's a difference."

I groaned and slammed the door shut. I could practically feel him grinning at my outburst. I walk to my room and look at my clock. Crap. It's 7.35. I have 25 minutes till I have to leave the house. I grab a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black T-shirt that says 'What are you looking at?!'

The School Player VS ME - SAMPLE CHAPTERWhere stories live. Discover now