Chapter 6

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After the recent commotion, and everything happening to my body, I've neglected to realize the change in seasons. It was getting colder each day that I was trapped in here, and soon, it would snow. Storms would most certainly roll over the all too close mountain tops that tower above this place, and encompass everyone here in a frozen state, one that many women look forward to, or so I am told by the servants who chatter passing by my rooms. They seem to forget I exist at times, because I hear them blabber about anything and everything, from times I wish I could drown them out with something else.. Lillian hasn't come to check on me this morning, and I haven't heard the old clock that sits on the hearth chime at all for the time I've been awake. I take a deep breath, one that felt rather constricting, instead of any calming or freeing. Whatever. What time is it? I nearly leap from the bed and seek out the warmth of the sun, but am only greeted by a grey sky. Sighing, I glance to the silent, wooden grandfather wall clock. It stopped at 3 last night. Curious. Maybe Kitsune did something to it; after all I've heard rumors about those idiots hating sudden sounds while they sleep. Maybe I'd go bother one of them. I think on that for a moment as I throw on some riding apparel and the usual cloak. Or I should find Errison and get some kind of contract from him.. One that would take me far away from here for once? I nod to myself once, and turn to my exit. Everything was so.. quiet, right now. It was rather strange, and although I'm sure there's nothing to fear here other than my master or the twins, I still was on edge. I reach for the brass handle, before turning it, I listen for any outside motion or sounds. Nothing. I grind my teeth, and begin my stealthy search for the boss man.


What in hell, I've looked just about everywhere, no Errison, and no twins. I have barely seen any servants or guards. I round a corner all too quickly, colliding with a rock hard surface. Initially, I would have thought it to be Keenan, but this person's armor didn't clang the way his did against my face. I loose a laugh at that thought, then glace up apologetically at the person I may have offended. Odd; I've never seen her face before. She sneers down at me, and reaches to grab me, but I move away with my hands up. "I apologize, miss. It would seem I have no idea where I'm going. Please, forgive me." I bow politely in her direction, but only receive an angry grunt in response. This woman was certainly built like a man; she may look more like one than Keenan, even, yet she had the temper of a Cerberus. She kind of looked like one too. 

Her face continues to deny my apology, and she readies to lunge for me again, but I was already behind her, trying to avoid a fight right this second, as much as I'd love to. Her confused grunts didn't last long, after she whirled around, she began pursuit, barreling after me in the cramped hall. The only possible escape was to either hope I had enough stamina to outrun this horse in human's skin, or I could jump from the mezzanine, and maybe be lucky enough to encounter a few branches on the long way to the ground. Whoever this woman was, she had a vendetta, and I may be her target. 

We continue to sprint down the open hallway, and while I was quick, I was getting tired. Luckily, there was a turn coming up, and just before the corner is a nearly hidden stairwell that the servants use to go to and fro the different wings of the palace. Once inside this stairwell I would have to act quick, and weave my way into a place this woman would lose me. In the heat of the chase, I spot a steel sconce, fastened halfway up the wall, unlit, ready to take all of my weight; ready to thrust me in a complete circle. I dare a glance back, regretting it as her face made me really want to laugh. I gain more speed than her and hook onto the sconce, throwing myself into the other side of this corner, then shoving myself away from where the woman crashes into the side of the mezzanine, confused for a few moments. The plan worked perfectly. 

I slip down the stairwell as quickly and quietly as I can will my boots to be, turning left and right, this way and that, hoping to the gods the was as bad a tracker as she was at chasing her pray. I stop after I'm almost sure she can't find me, and catch my breath, looking at my cut up hands from the steel sconce. I would have a bruise on my shoulder as well from slamming into the wall, but that didn't matter right this second. What did matter was that I had no idea where I ended up.

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