Chapter 3

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I took off my backpack and looked in it. I tried to find something that will help me get out it here. I checked in one of the pockets and saw the necklace my mom and dad gave me. It was a key to the house, that was pained white with light blue polka dots. And in the middle of the key was a P that represented my name. And the P was carved into it.

Then I found a necklace that each if my friends have. The necklace was part of a friendship necklace. We choose the pizza. So I was a piece of pizza and so were my friends. I tried to put on my necklaces but I couldn't. Then the door opened and I saw a guy walk in. He had red hair, purple eyes, a white shirt, with a red vest and a purple tie.

"What are you doing? " he asked. I stood up holding my two necklaces in one hand and with the other I put on my backpack. And he walked towards me.

"Can you do me a favor? " I asked.

"If it's to get you out of here no. " he said.

"No not that, well not yet. But can you help me put these two necklaces on, please? " I said.

"Why do you care about two dumb necklaces? " he asked.

"They are not dumb they are special. " I said and he rolled his eyes sighing.

"Fine. " he said.

"Thank you. " I said with a smile. I handed him one necklace and I moved my hair out of the way. He put on the first one and I handed him the second one.

"There. " he said.

"Thank you. But where is the zombie guy? " I asked.

"Why you like him? " he asked.

"No, I don't even know who he is. I just meed to talk to him. " I said.

"Alright then talk to me. " he said.

"You probably misunderstood me. I said zombie guy. He's in charge of everything around here. At least I think he is. But he dressed up as a zombie. " I said.

"That's me. I'm zombie guy. " he said. As soon as he said that my eyes widened. I looked at him up and down.

"You are zombie guy? " I asked still looking at him from head to toe.

"Yeah, why you like what you see? " he asked smirking.

"I don't even know you, why would I like you? " I asked.

"Because sometimes looks win than knowing someone. " he said.

"Why? Just why? " I asked.

"This is how I normally am. With good looks and dressed nice. I'm a girl magnet. " he said.

"You know what just take me to the babies and other kids. " I said.

"Alright this way. " he said and started walking. I walked behind him and next thing I know he grand my arm and starts pulling me.

"Hey! " I shouted.

"Your lagging now hurry up. " he said.

"Why can't other girls do this? " I asked.

"Because none of these girls know how to take care of a baby. " he said.

"Well they probably should have paid attention to see how to do things instead of being in their phones, or flirting with guys or... " he pulled my arm which made me almost fall. Which is how he cut me off. I closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground. I looked up and saw him holding me. "Thanks. " I said.

"Tch... " he said and dropped me. "I have some important business now enter that building and take care of those babies and kids. " he said and walked off. I walked in and it was really quite.

Then I heard crying. I walked towards the crying and saw some kids looking down sadly in the corner and the babies in a crib crying. The building was really dark.

"Hi everyone. " I said. They looked at me and they looked really sad.

"She might be like the other girls. Leaving us in here all alone because they don't know how to take care of us. " one of the kids said.

"Wait other girls haven't taken you outside to play? " I asked and they shakes their heads. "Alright go inside this room and when I'm done I'll call you. " I said they shrugged and walked slowly inside the room. I gave them the babies and they took the babies with them. I turned on the lights and started redecorating.

Time skips...

I finished redecorating. I opened the door and the kids walked out. Their eyes widened.

"Alright everybody follow me. " I said. And walked towards the cribs. They handed me the babies and I put the babies in the crib. I started walking and they all followed me looking around in awe. "This is where you kids will play inside. I put some toys and board games along with some paper, crayons, color pencils, books and a lot more. " I said they all smiled.

"Can we play now?!?" They asked in fusion.

"In a little bit. " I said. "Now come one I still need to show you where your going to sleep. I started walking again and they all followed me again. "These are your beds. " I said and they all pushed each other trying to get a bed. "But I think you guys will like the backyard. " I said and started walking again. They followed full of joy. I opened the door. "Alright I fixed your guys swing set, playground, jump ropes, hula hoops, bikes, and sandbox." I said. As soon as they were about to play it started to rain.

"Awh! " they shouted in fusion.

"Hey let's play inside. " I said and they all ran inside. They started to play and I closed the back door then locked it. I went to the babies and took care of them. After a while I went to the kitchen and started to cook.

More time skips...

I finally put the kids down for sleep. I started to clean up. I washed the dishes and made sure everything was how it was suppose to be.

"So you remodeled the entire place by yourself, you made these kids food... " he cut himself off and he walked towards me.

"Im sorry was that a problem. I felt bad for the kids so I decided to fix this place up a bit. " I said.

"No it's not a problem. You did the one thing nobody here can do. " he said.

"And what's that? " I asked.

"Make these kids smile and laugh. I don't think they've been like this for a long time. " he said.

"Oh... " I said.

"Is making kids happy a problem for you? " he asked.

"No it not. " I said.

"Then why did you say that? " he asked.

"No reason I'm just tired. " I said.

"Well follow me this way. " he said. Be started walking and I walked behind him. He took me to a room and it was very organized and clean.

"Thanks. " I said.

"For what? " he asked.

"For letting me sleep in a regular room instead of being trapped in a room without a bed or anything just the walls and the floor. " I said.

"Oh... It's nothing. " he said and it was completely silent then I broke the silence.

"Night. " I said.

"Night. " he said and closed the door. I laid on the bed and fell asleep.

Surviving Alone (paused/under editing)Where stories live. Discover now