Did Des Pick right?!

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Cameron Pov:

I woke up with Des wrapped in my arms, it felt so right. I decied why not get her breakfast maybe take her out to the downtown cafe. Her brown hair was all messed up. Her face was always beautiful.


I went to get us breakfast and I was wondering if you wanna go on a Date with me?

Signed, Cam

I lifted her up so she had more space to move around. God she was the defition of perfect. I walked down the lobby taking pics with one of the girls. The girl attacked me putting her lips on mine. "Hey Cam." Destiny said. "Cam how could you! You said you loved me!" With that she ran the girl kept deeping the kiss I pushed her off and ran after Des.

"Destiny let me explain!" I pounded on the door. "Cameron you messed up. I can't believe you now leave!" "Destiny wait let me explain!" I yelled. "No Cameron you did enough!" She screamed then shut the door.

I left and went back into my room I had to share with Hayes but he went back home and wont be coming back for a few weeks. I was such a horrible person, I made Destiny fall into fake love that is wrong! I sobbed into my hands. I felt a body jump on me. It was.....

Destiny Pov:

I decided to tell Cameron it was okay for what he did. We weren't dating but zi want it to be more. I walked into his room and pounced ontop of him. Slowly kissing his lips, he kissed me back. The kiss the pasionate and meaningful. I broke the kiss slowly gasping for air. "How about that date." He looked up with faith in his eyes. "Yes Destiny I would love too!"

I hoped i to the shower got dressed for our date. Crop top, jean shorts, tad bit of makeup, and my new jordans. I curled my hair and started to head to my BMW.

D- Hey Cammmmm I am ready😊

C- Okay meet me at 2345 Redwood Dr

D- Okay see ya there.

I hoped into the car and drove off.I was excited to see what Cam planned! I pulled up seeing a cavin street taking me into the forest. A cabin standing there with wonderful wood completing the house.

"Cam! Cam!" I yelled soon Cam came out with chairs with tiny tables a candle we walked to a lil table. We starting talking about our childhood, Cam moves his chair over text to mine cradling me in his arms soon leaning in a beautiful kiss was made

Cameron Pov:

I loved Des and now this is the perfect time to ak her the thing that has been on my mind. If she will be my princess, my lover, the soul mate who will be there for me."Destiny we only known each other for a month almost two but this is the thing eating my mind. Will you be my girlfriend?" Tears were forming in her eyes about to spill. "Yes Cameron, I will be your girlfriend."

She went to go the bathroom, quickly setting up the fireworks. I was excited to say Destiny was my girlfriend. Soon Des came back after the bathroom snuggling her hesd into my chest. After a few minutes the fireworks started. I pulled her face inches from mine. Cupping my hands with around her face, kissing her nose then her lips.

She was perfect....

Destiny Pov:

We had a cute dinner and talked about our childhood. The night was perfect with the fireworks popping saying lil nice things about me saying I was beautiful. Adter the date we headed home but I couldn't believe Cameron Dallas was my boyfriend.

Mark Pov:

Destiny came in with tears of joy running down her face. "Cameron Dallas is my boyfriend!!" She yelled. I was happy for Des but Cameron is known as a player she should be careful. Destiny came pulled out a movie.

A few hours later I felt Destiny waking me up. "Mark wake up we have a magcon today!" I hurried did shower hair and picked out a nice cool outfit for Magcon Texas.

Destiny and I woke up everyone starting with the Jacks then Matt and Carter last we woke up Mahogany. She was beautiful I always liked her maybe it's time to see if this plan to win her will work!


Songs listend to while writing

All of me






Destiny's Light (Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now