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I sat down on the front step of my mother's sister's house, clutching the small lilac teddy bear in one of my arms while my other hand was busy drawing random hearts and stars on the dirt beneath my feet using a stick. I tossed the stick to the side with a loud and long sigh, kicking at the dirt to cover up my doodles. My mind wandered off, replying the events that happened earlier that day. A funeral. A funeral held for my father, a brave man who never deserved to leave this world. He was a good man, one of the few left. I remembered the way he looked as he lay in his coffin. He looked peaceful. He looked as if he was relieved to be no more as the pain of living was too much for him.

I lumped in my throat formed as I glanced around, trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. It was no doubt that things were about to change. Now that father was not here with us. We had no home of our own to stay in anymore, me and mother. Even with so many people around us, it will never compare to the feeling of love and safety we had when father was here.

I gazed down at the teddy bear in my arms, my eyes narrowing at the stuffed toy. My fingers clenched around it's arm as I pulled it back at threw it in front of me as far as I possibly could. That bear was the cause of my father's death. I was the cause of my father's death. I had this teddy bear since the day I was born and I loved it even as I got older. People may say that eleven years old is too old for a stuffed animal but I know that this teddy bear will stay with me until the day of my death. It now has a whole other meaning to me.

Our house burned down. The stove caught fire after it was turned on and was left on for a while. It was too much for us to put out when we noticed the flames so we had no other choice than to take as much as we could and run out of the house until the firefighters got to us. Somehow, my teddy bear had fallen from my grasp as I left the house. I knew I didn't need it but I still wanted to get it back. By then, the fire had grew and smoke was pouring out of the house. My father went back in, just to get the bear back for me. I wish he hadn't. He inhaled way too much smoke and got burned on the way out but he still managed to get me this bear.

I remember watching his collapse to the ground, coughing as holding onto his severely burned leg after handing me the bear. The paramedics were quick to get to his side, but they weren't quick enough. He died later that day in the hospital from his injuries. Injuries he wouldn't have gotten in the first place if it weren't for this stupid teddy bear.

I hadn't realized I was full out sobbing until I felt a hand on my shoulder. My head snapped to the side to see my mother cradling my month old brother protectively in her arm. I felt sad for him. He won't even be able to get to know his father. He's never going to be able to get that father son experience and it's my fault.

I wiped at my nose with the back of my hand, sniffling as my gaze settled in my lap. I hated crying but that seemed to be all I ever do now.

"I miss him." I whispered for my mother to hear after I had calmed down a little. I rested my head against her arm, feeling much more better to have her near me.

"I do too. We all do." She replied and I could tell she was still very sad. She didn't want to cry in front of me but I know that she does cry over him.

"It was my fault."

"No, Amira. No it wasn't. It's no one's fault." My mother replied, the seriousness in her voice very present.

"But he went in because-"

"I know why he went back in and that was a choice he made. He wanted to bring you back your bear and he knew what could happen if he did. Listen, I never want you to put this on you. Never say this was your fault again. Understood?" She asked. I nodded slowly. She said to never say that it was my fault but she never said I couldn't think it, and I will always think that I was responsible.

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