Mike Shinoda & Chester Bennington

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...this is an x reader smut it is meant for entertainment. If you do not like that I'm using Chester Bennington (who recently passed) skip that chapter or don't read this. They don't have kids or a wife in this "universe"...

Warnings: smut, cursing, graphic, teasing, threesome
Word Count: 2228
A/n: this is probably early 2000s, when Chaz and Mike have spikey hair.

"Y/n?" You hear someone question. You take your attention off of the paper you are looking at and look up to see Mike and Chester in front of you.

"Hey..guys?" You say confused.

"We.. We need to talk.." Mike, your boyfriend of nearly 4 years says as he looks at you and then Chester.

"Y-yeah..." Chester stutters.

"Alright.. You guys can sit on the bed then." You say as you scoot more against the backboard to give them room to sit. Chester has a blush on his face as he sits in front of you and Mike sits on his side of the bed.

You smile shyly at Chester he gives you a small smile back.

You look at Mike who looks stressed as all hell, and you wish that Chester wasn't there cause you probably would've jumped on top of him.

"Well, okay, shit..." Mike starts off. You raise your eyebrow and kiss his cheek.

"What is it Mikey?" You say quietly.

"Alright, so you know how awhile back we wanted to have a threesome?" Mike questioned, as a blush grew across his face.

You knew damn well were this was going, so you nodded and bit your lip. You could definitely go for a threesome, you've always wanted to try it.

"Damn" he mumbled as he seemed to get lost while looking at you.

"I get what your trying to say." You say with a smile. You look at Chester who's looking at you as if your a piece of meat.

"Right Chester?" You say as you snap your fingers in front of his face. He shakes his head a bit and nods slowly looking at Mike.

"How do you even start a conversation like that?" You ask with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" Mike asks raising his eyebrow with a light smile.

"Like, how do you go up to Chester and say 'Hey, y/n wanted to have a threesome awhile ago, so if she's still up to it do you want to..?' Isn't that awkward? Or is it just me?" You ask hesitantly

"No, its not awkward, we've talked about sex and you so ma-" Chester tries saying as Mike covered his mouth and looked at you.

Mike Shinoda And Chester Bennington x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now